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The way I look at it is that he's very eager to protect me from getting hurt. Like, when I'm depressed, all I have to do is ask him to come over, and he'll show up at the door with tasty food, a box of tissues, and some candy, and then we'll snuggle on the couch and he'll just hold me and stroke my hair and love me. Although he never stays the night, he's always there first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening. Well, my depression hasn't been that bad as to require all-day attention in quite a few months, but you get the idea.


If you can't find anyone to snuggle, giant teddy bears are a good option. I know, because I have one in my bed. His name is Jasper. And he's great.

@Spring group

If you can't find anyone to snuggle, giant teddy bears are a good option. I know, because I have one in my bed. His name is Jasper. And he's great.

I have a giant 4 foot teddy bear, he doesn't have an official name :T I just name my teddy after every new anime boy/girl or cartoon boy/girl crush I get lol. right now my teddy bears name is Jackson and Holt. they're Monster High boys. 8 yr old me has had a crush on them both for-EV-ER

Deleted user

My fiancé will strangle any boy who so much as looks at me. 🙄

that sounds… really unhealthy? are you allowed to have any male friends, love?

I thinks she meant look in a romantic or sexual sense


My fiancé will strangle any boy who so much as looks at me. 🙄

that sounds… really unhealthy? are you allowed to have any male friends, love?

I thinks she meant look in a romantic or sexual sense

I mean, yeah, but in general works too. He's silly. And naturally he won't really strangle anyone, but if I'm talking to anyone that he hasn't met who has a Y chromosome, he'll just come up behind me and give the poor dude twin lasers until I explain who it is.