Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 57 followers


Unfortunately, Article 6, Paragraph 2 of the Scrijunb Code says that we're not allowed to send living creatures over the Internet unless we have a 2/3rds vote and/or it's under extremely dire circumstances (i.e. a Code Navy). And as I'm too lazy to get everyone together for a vote right now, I'm afraid I won't be able to "gimme".

Deleted user

I want a kitten, but the last one we had turned out to be Satan's cat

@Spring group

i want a cat, preferably a calico, but i can't bc everyone in my family except me, my step-dad, and my grandpa, are allergic! sad day!

@Toaster group

I'm sure he doesn't hate you. He's just trying to remind you that we are just his slaves and that cats are superior.
I treat my cats like royalty.
(Also the second sentence was a joke.)

Deleted user

I'll be walking down the hall and he'll just swat me for no fucking reason!

Deleted user

Both women and men are so wonderful, and you know what’s the best part, for me at least?
You don’t need both eyes to appreciate all of them!