forum Attempting to write my first book.
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

Attempting to start writing a book and I just have no idea how to start it.


okay this is the worst advice
but you literally gotta just start writing
do a crappy first chapter and get into where you know you want to go
and then write the whole thing
then go back and rewrite the first chapter
and every chapter after that
and make your second draft twice as good as your first

@PurplePartyTiger language

Yeah, doesn't matter how bad it is the first time, so long as you are opening to knowing what needs to be changed afterwards. For me, the first draft is like a blueprint – I just need to figure out how the story is going to go overall, and later I can add more details and smooth things out. You're never going to get anywhere if all you think about is making the story great from the start. And this is coming from a perfectionist…XD

Deleted user

Wow I never thought of it like that, I kind of ran into making a book trying to make it perfect at the start. Guess that's just not how things work.

Thanks for that guys/gals.