forum Art Inspiration?
Started by @Fraust

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I really struggle to find inspiration to draw. I love drawing, of course, and I believe I can draw fairly well once I have inspiration. However, inspiration is really hard for me to come by, because motivation is also something I don't have qwq. This is an example of a drawing I made last night when I found a flicker of inspiration:
My inspiration for this one was fairly simple. I was just doodling some of those cute little swirly wing thingies and then I wanted to make a cute little character with them. The main thing I'm asking is what kind of things inspire you guys to draw/write? Thanks a bunch!


Holy cow that's amazing!! I love the little tiny feather effects!! And it's so clean and well-structured and shaded and just… aaaah
(inhales your art)
I struggle with the same thing - I love drawing (not that I'm as good as you though) but I lack inspiration so my art just sort of happens in little bursts.
Stuff that inspires me to draw is usually stories, actually. I'll read a story or get introduced to a character that I really want to draw and it happens from there (sometimes what I'll do is go on random "I'll draw your character" threads over in the Character section and see if any character seems fun or inspiring). This in turn leads either to short comics or just character art. The alternative which I've done a lot this year is drawing from poetry or song lyrics - some phrases sort of stick with me and I feel compelled to draw something related to them (eg "perish the thought that ash be ash and not the memory of an ember" or "in falling, did you learn to fly?" or "the hunt is over, I'm in chains", to name only a few)
Another thing I do/did is find a photo I really like, mostly because of color schemes, and work from there. Idk I really love colors and lighting and stuff like that - it's fun to experiment with
Or frustration, that inspires me too
I'll realise that I can't do a thing that I want to be able to do and then I feel compelled to practice how to do the thing
idk though
(i'm sorry that was super long) (i get really passionate about art)


Thanks qwq I'm glad you like my little… idk what Fenn is, actually. I drew an unidentified creature and my friend named him XD. I like to look at 'Draw your character' threads, but I usually don't like to commit to them. I would hate to have to let someone down just because I don't have the motivation to draw their character (I did force myself to do it once, though). Doodling or spending a lot of time in my own thoughts are usually the things that I do, but it's obviously not foolproof. Sometimes when I feel bad about my art and I just feel terrible and worthless and like I'm not improving, I look back on my old sketchbooks like, "Wow! Those are really terrible! I'm still not good but I'm less terrible than before, yaaaaay." I really struggle with my self esteem a lot. I rarely make anything I like, and I always just see the flaws and where I could be better. "I'm not good enough, I wasn't trying my hardest, such and such is better than me." My mind seems to only want to find why I can improve, but for the wrong reasons. Wanting to improve is a good thing, unless it's because you think you're too terrible to just stay where you are and you hate everything you do (aka, why I want to improve.)


Same! (about the threads) I don't really commit, I just sort of… ghost around in other people's threads? It's pretty rude now that I think about it.
Looking back at old sketchbooks is a 100% foolproof plan if I feel like cringing
Though I have taken old concepts I kinda liked and reworked them with my new style (sort of like the "draw this again" meme except the second time still isn't that great)
Art self esteem is such a struggle. Because it always seems like there's someone out there who's better, further, more advanced and the only people who seem to like my art are the ones who I know aren't exposed to art a lot anyway…

I have to say though that if Fenn (?) is your usual level then you're ridiculously amazing and I don't even know what you're talking about
Like your lines are so clean and the colors fit together so well and the values all work out so smoothly and the shading and lighting is subtle but brilliant and just…
I'm over here and I don't even have a style I just morph into this horrible approximation of the reference pictures
I'm awed by your skill, is what I'm trying to say
Keep doing what you do because it's amazing and even if you think other artists are better than you, your art still matters because it's yours and no one else can draw exactly like you do
(that sounded a lot more inspirational in my head) (anyway) (once again I apologise for the block of text)


writhes on the floor like the derp I am I just feel like I can never really find my style, if you know what I mean. It seems to change every time I draw. For example, here's the only drawing that I can think of that I'm actually proud of: . I've been drawing for… 11 years now? That's like, almost all of my life minus a few years. It's really just practice practice practice, all the time you know? In recent years I've just lost self esteem and motivation and it's hard for me to do what I love. It's infuriating, really. However, if you actually like my style, I'd be glad to try and draw a character for you.


AND THAT DRAWING IS GOLD I LOVE IT SO MUCH THE COLORS FIT TOGETHER SO WELL (why am I screaming) and it just looks so wonderful and clean (idk why but that's such a huge thing for me because my drawings are just… a mess) (all the time)
It's amazing that you've been drawing so long! I only started drawing (outside of the required art classes and occasional doodling) about four years ago. It's a reason I lose steam a lot - most artists my age have already been going for such a long time so I feel like I'm constantly behind even though it's not even a race.
And it feels like the more I get into it and the more I want to improve, the more I'm paralysed and can't work at it. (idk if that makes sense - like the more intentional I get about it the more I overthink each artwork until it just stops altogether)
I absolutely adore your style! Feel free to draw my characters whenever inspiration hits, I'd definitely be honored (I mean not that I'm expecting you to or anything - it could very well be that they're just not your piece of cake)
(so I just checked and it turns out I have exactly one public character) (that works too I guess)
(Her name's Amita) (I haven't worked on her in months… whoops)
Same goes for me, by the way! If you can live with the fact that my art is nowhere near as amazing as yours, I'd also be cool with drawing a character of yours if you're interested.


I'm sure your art is great, and if you like drawing animals, you're welcome to give Fenn a go :D he's got a pretty simple design, so it wouldn't be insanely difficult lol. Sometimes people are really annoying to artists like
Person: looking over my shoulder as I draw with no respect for my personal space dID yOu DrAw tHAt???
Me: Hmm, lemme think. I'm currently drawing it right now. It's in my sketchbook. You have seen me draw before. No I didn't draw it incredibly freaking passive aggressive
Person: Can u draw me?? Owo
Me: I can
Person: Yaaaay
Me: But I won't
Person: Waow thass so good I can't even draw a decent stick figure lmao
Me: …I don't really care whether you can draw a stick figure or not.
Person: What do you mean you're only (my age)?? (my age) year olds can't draw that good! I'm (insert random age higher than mine) and I can't draw nearly that gud
Me: That's because I practiced. My age should be irrelevant.


Person: looking over my shoulder, invading personal space as I draw
Person: bumps me
Person: Hey so I don't mean to be rude but that line right there, the one you drew just now, that doesn't look right
Me: yOu dOn'T SAy

Me: drawing
Person: leans in
Person: snatches sketchbook away from me AS I'M STILL DRAWING IN IT
Person: Can I see your sketchbook?
(Inner Me: Murder is illegal, this is not worth the jail time)

Person: looking through my sketchbook
Person: Who's that?
Me: idk some random person, I was practicing my clothing folds
Person: It looks like (insert random name of mutual acquiantance)
Me: …. it really doesn't
Me: but okay

The ever-hated "Man I wish I was talented like you" in all its variations (including, but not limited to: "I wish I could draw" "I wish I had artistic talent" "I wish I were as good as you)
If you really wished you could draw you would work at it. What you're wishing for is that it was easy.
Well congratulations.
It's not.


Person: Where's its face?
Me: drawing with art markers
Person: WOW THESE ARE COOL MARKERS grabs a marker and tests it out on their hand


Me: doodling quietly during a lecture because it helps me focus on what's being said
Person: leans over
Person: Oh my gosh that's amazing let me tell you all about my art and hey what are you drawing and can I see what you're doing and let me just yell all this at you even though we're in the middle of a lecture because it's not like you want to listen or anything

My parents trying to talk to other people about my art
Just… that
"she draws on her computer" "but she doesn't use a mouse" "it's like a little pen"
"hey ninja why don't you show them your art??" (hissss)
"it's a special software"
Like I understand that they care and I love that they want to support me but just… stop


Wow your drawings are good but (insert reason for disapproval or comparison to some one way better)
Me: did I ask you for your opinion?!

Me: doodles something that looks like nothing
Person: OMG! That looks so good! Better than (price of art your spent about 10 hours on)
Me: dafuq


They’re not dead.

They are most certainly not dead and buried at the back of my school.

They are most certainly alive.

Because it’s obviously ridiculous to strangle someone to death if they sat on your sketchbook, right?

Okay, okay. I didn’t actually murder them. I just got really ticked off and they did it on accident. And they apologized a lot, genuinely, so we’re chill.


So if you heard the sounds of a delighted idiot about sixteen minutes ago when I first saw your drawing
That would have been me
(and capslock)
(and everlasting gratitude this is FANTASTIC)
(those clothing folds though????? Bless you) (they're gorgeous)
That hand!! (teach me your ways senpai)
And that dolphin
That's such an amazing dolphin!!
(you clearly put a lot of effort into this like you read her whole page and just… this is more than I ever imagined you're FABULOUS)
[I wish I could do something for you] [but my animal drawing skills are nil so if I tried to draw Fenn you would not thank me] [if there's ever anything though] [please let me know]


qwq I mean whenever I draw someone else's character I like to read their description so that I can draw them as accurately to their personalities as possible. I wouldn't want to draw her as some super cheerful person skipping through a field of flowers lol. I saw that she was serious and that her favorite animal was dolphins, so I tried my best to incorporate them into the drawing ^^. (I was originally gonna do something with pears, but decided against it. I'm considering also drawing her as a chibi possibly and including the pears there? What do you think?) Honestly, I think I've done better, but I'm glad you like it XD


(I was originally gonna do something with pears, but decided against it. I'm considering also drawing her as a chibi possibly and including the pears there? What do you think?)

I mean whatever you choose to do would definitely end up amazing, so… it's entirely up to you. If you feel like drawing her again I would be over the moon, but I don't want to push you into doing something you don't want to. Please only draw her if you feel like it
(I wish I could say something super profound that conveys my gratitude better than the words "thank you"
But I can't think of anything


I'm not v good at drawing but I'm practicing
And I do it on paper, I don't have software for it
So ya


Heylo fren! All are welcome in my chat that started as inspiration and ended as us complaining about non art people lmao


Yeah lol
The only thing i really hate is when ppl look over my shoulder as I'm trying to draw. Except for one person
Or during dual drawing excersizes
But usually I get really awkward bc I see someone I want to draw and I'm like
'Um hi sorry yeah is it weird if I draw you hypothetically lol sorryyyy'


lol yeah. And also when I make something I hate and people are like oMg ThAt'S sO gOod and I'm like looks between paper and person are we seeing the same drawing??