forum Anyone wanna talk? I'm stressed and I need an outlet...
Started by @Oakiin

people_alt 2 followers


There's some sniz going down w/ my fam rn, and I'd love if anyone wants to hang…
Only like 2 or 3 peeps tho, or else I'll get too overloaded and won't be able to give you all the time and energy you deserve, and that's the last thing I want..


Once these are filled, I'll have about as much as I can handle :) Thanks for understanding


@Masterkey thank-you! How are you?

@Winter Good to hear you're doing good :) I'm not s much, there's some stuff happening in my family, (namely my dad retiring), that's got me pretty worried


I'm good! Hope you're starting to feel better, being stressed isn't fun at all. To be honest, I've been pretty stressed out for the past couple of weeks myself. I usually try to drown it out with random spurts of entertainment. :/


@Masterkey Thanks, I'm listening to some Markiplier inspirational stuff rn, and I'm feeling a little better <3
I'm so sorry to hear that you're down! :C I hope that it goes away soon for you, no one deserves stress…
Is it cause of school, you think? I know that's getting a lot of people recently…

Deleted user

@Hollydraws I have to code an entire game by next Wednesday, so school might be a small issue…


Well partly, but I'm actually not in school right now. I'm in the middle of a gap year, but I'm preparing for school. Some of those preparations aren't going as planned… but I've also realized I've got a huge laziness problem that I need to fix but seems to REFUSE to be fixed. XD Kind of silly… the only thing that's motivating me to not be lazy right now is just thinking about some non-existent crush (all of my past crushes are dead and gone :P) of mine meeting me and being like "Wow! She's such a hard worker!"

I'm laughing out loud just thinking about how I try to motivate myself. It's either that, or tying myself to a chair with the stuff I need to get done.


@Winter wow. That's intense. How long is the game? What engine/platform/language are you using? (I'm a wannabe game dev, so I'm just curious)


@Masterkey oh, don't even TALK to me about laziness.. I'm in the exact same boat as you, my friend T.T I've got tons of motivation, but no direction, and no actual energy…No matter what I try, I can't fix mine either, which really sucks, doesn't it?

lol tbh that's a pretty good method of motivation, if it works for you xDD



Emma! Watch yo profanity!

Sorry, heh


Being lazy is the worst cuz doing something fun instead of something you need to do seems like a great idea at the time, and then the same night as you lie in bed you hate yourself. Then you do it again the next day. Oof.


But I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, I'll be fine. We'll all be fine, life is just like this. :) We make mistakes, we learn, we get stronger!


Very true! :) A very wise person I remember the name of not once said that every mistake is a chance to learn :3