forum Anyone up for a chat?
Started by Sophia Chabo

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Sophia Chabo

Well, don't know about you guys, but I am dying bc i gotta make a universe for all basically 70 fandoms and its going to take freaking foreveeerrr

Sophia Chabo

Yeah. It’ll take forever, but when I’m done I’ll have a fandom universe masterlist, so that’s not super terrible

Deleted user

that sounds dope, i just dont know why you're doing it

Deleted user

i became not single somehow….
le meme shurg
tis a miracle that your potato over here can get a boifren

Deleted user

yeeeee also im really sorry Midnight!
I wish i wasnt not single to help you
But alas i was chosen
I'm sure you'll find love soon! I wasnt looking for it and it smacked me in the face


yeeeee also im really sorry Midnight!
I wish i wasnt not single to help you
But alas i was chosen
I'm sure you'll find love soon! I wasnt looking for it and it smacked me in the face

Not sure wether to thank you or cower in fear of being loved. But thank you anyway!

Deleted user

Both… it will smack you in the face and make you wonder what the hell happened.
You're welcome.