forum Anyone else hyped for Inktober?
Started by @blue_topaz

people_alt 8 followers

@Starfast group

I've done it in the past and it's so much fun! I usually try to stick to the daily prompts as best as I can, but if I'm not really feeling it then I'll just draw my own thing. I'm super excited for this year.


And this year I followed a bunch of artists on multiple platforms I can’t wait to see their stuff
Also I’ve started playing around with ink and brushes! Have any of you tried it or have any tips?


So you just take the one word and make an ink drawing based on that?

You make one ink drawing per day. The words are optional - it's a sort of challenge to develop positive art habits and keep drawing and all that good stuff
It's my first year doing it too, so I'm pretty excited :)

@Becfromthedead group

Do you guys know where I could find the official prompts? I haven't done Inktober before, but I figure it's worth a try (minus the ink because I do not have the materials, and I'm kind of more interested in just being able to draw first). It looks like a lot of fun, and I was going to do it last year, but I was also trying to apply for college, so it didn't work out.