forum Anyone else here with anxiety, depression, agitation, etc on here too?

people_alt 82 followers

Deleted user

Yeah, she sound pretty bad. I haven't been on notebook long enough to have known her, thankfully.😐

Deleted user

(Anyone want to hear my first experience with her?)

If it's not any trouble, then yes!


Yeah, she sound pretty bad. I haven't been on notebook long enough to have known her, thankfully.😐

(She was in the Forest Survival RP we were doing. The one with Felix. I don't know if you were on when she posted. She was really random with posting.)


I had started a Harry Potter RP. It was going good and everything and I had closed it when a gal called Abigail Dara shows up. I caved a bit and asked the others if we should let her in. She replied with 'If you say no, I'll keep spamming. Politely.' They came to the consensus that we needed a Gryffindor. So she pulls up a character named Ash Pandora. Spitin' image of Ginny Weasley except she has Fire tattoos on her arms (Some had already done the exact same thing) She had a Phoenix feather core wand. She was also an unregistered animagus that took phoenix form, a metamorphus, (And this was at the time Tonks was alive) Was practically Tonks under a different name personality wise, and had a Phoenix Patronus. She was such a Mary Sue.

Deleted user

Uhg, I hate Mary Sue's. They make the character development boring as school😒😒


Abigail Dara was in a Wonderland rp that I was in and she had made an entirely all powerful witch character named Ivy. Ivy was all knowing, could save anyone with a spell, and for some reason could teleport? At one point we got on her case and she twisted it around so that we were the ones taking over the rp. She ended up leaving the site a few days later.

Deleted user

Yeah, I finally figured out that she was the deleted user🤣 took me awhile… What page or rp did Lafette smack her down?

Deleted user

She was probably spoiled and was used to getting her way.