forum Anyone Competing in the writing comp. PLz check this (Title is "does anyone want to have a writing competition")
Started by @americanqueen

people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

Actually I'd like to be a judge, it seems like a lot of people are competing

Deleted user

That probably happened because somebody inserted a link that nobody has access to. If the person deletes the reply that they have the link in, the thread should be fine again.

Deleted user

Oh, right. If you make the document public to all people (go to the share option and click get shareable link)


This happens a lot to me? Like I all of a sudden can’t access a forum for no particular rreas (it seems) I’ve been through three chats with the same person! :(

Deleted user

Anybody who shared a link to google docs, please make sure that the document can be accessed by everybody. It should fix the thread


I went to page two using direct URL because I saw someone else had commented and I wanted to see if they could fix the problem. I didn't think the comment had gone through that's a weird glitch