forum Anybody with ADHD?
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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I've found I'm always moving in some constant way unless I'm tired, and other times I can barely hold still. It really depends on my emotions.

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Yeah. And when I try to stand still or say still my body’s like HA NOPE! And I begin to fidget even more.


I draw to keep my hands/mind busy. Nobody really minds. Which is why I spend ridiculous amounts of money on art supplies… save me from myself…

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I was never diagnosed but have a lot of symptoms of ADHD, (like, I'm not self-diagnosing here. the doctor said I had symptoms but not quite enough to get a full diagnosis) I tap a lot, and draw a lot during lectures or class. Whenever I have to study a lot, I try to stay focused by taking a small break every 30 minutes or so


i was diagbosed with ADHD, OCD at a really young age and let me ust tell you those to combined does not help one side of you wants to be clean and neat but the other side of you gets distrated and is messy the do not combined it is really annoying and doesn't help with school work. I try and stay still for at least 5 minutes but doesn't work.

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ugh, that sounds super sucky
I also probably have anxiety, which goes hand in hand with ADHD a lot of times. so i'll be doing work and then stressing about it, but then getting distracted and stressing more because I am not getting work done

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actually, I am! I have an appointment in a couple weeks and that's a little scary but answers are good too.


Yay! I was diagnosed in 4th grade. Btw, sometimes people get accidentally addicted to their AD(H)D meds (I did oops, my parents had to take me off them), just a heads up. But of course, you should do whatever you and your doctor feel is the best options for you 😉

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thank you! uwu
my mom's all about like trying natural stuff first (not that she's opposed to meds, she just prefers to try "nature's way" and see if that works) but yeah, thanks!!! :-)


While I’m here and we’re talking about diagnoses, I think I may have had PDD/dysthymia/high functioning depression from about 4th grade to 9th grade, with a major depressive period in 8th grade, but idk who to talk to about that. A therapist, or my regular doctor?? I would tell my mom, but I don’t want her to tell me I’m being stupid, and I wanna try to get answers like a responsible adult would.

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hmm, a therapist is always a good place to go, especially if they have a confidentiality policy, so your mom wouldn't have to know unless you wanted her to. a doctor would also work, if you think it might happen again? idk


Found a website that said I should talk to my PCP first, I think. That’s what I gathered. I’ll just do it next time I have an appointment and she does the thing where she pulls me aside so I can take charge of my own care and doctor’s appointment like adults do.

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hmm, a therapist is always a good place to go, especially if they have a confidentiality policy, so your mom wouldn't have to know unless you wanted her to. a doctor would also work, if you think it might happen again? idk

Yeah, you can get officially diagnosed for a lot of things with a therapist. I have one.


I can't drive yet, but I want to see someone without my parents knowing. I've been able to hide this site from them, but this is undoable. I don't trust my parents. At all. They will tell everyone. I need help. I can't have them come to my place.
How do I see a therapist online without video or account?

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I have no idea. Maybe look it up? I know the Mental Health Center is something you actually have to go the place to meet with the therapist.