forum Anybody with ADHD?
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Hello Mortals I have ADHA and it sucks because you cant sit still and you can't have a lot of candy or you will be all worked up and won't be able to settled down you always have to move around and you get distracted a lot.

Deleted user

OOF did someone say ADHD? I have that and I take medicine for it.

Deleted user

It sucks. Your always distracted, and never in focus. It makes it really hard to beat that boss on the rpg you’ve been playing for a month….


I know. It sucks when you are trying to read a book or watch a movie becasue you can never finish it without being distracted.

Deleted user

I take medicine for mine, it’s a pretty high portion. You know why? Because it grew. I write when I can, and it’s hard to do that when 10 minutes later you want to watch a YouTube video.

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Mines diagnosed. My 3rd grade teacher actually found out I had ADHD before my mother or anyone else.

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My mom had other children with other diseases. All of them are disabled except FOR ME. The one who isn’t as broken as everyone else. But I have more Anxiety and Depression then all of the combine, well my 2nd oldest sister would beat me in the depressed category if it’s before her.


So I have a question… how does caffeine affect you? Bc I read that caffeine can make people with ADHD sleepy and actually calm them down rather than make them hyper

Deleted user

I don’t drink coffee so I wouldn’t know. But sugary and caffeine drinks don’t really do anything. They do kind of make us tired.

Deleted user

Well it’s hard to explain but caffeine is really strange… let’s just put it that way…


yeah it is lol
I was thinking of talking to my doctor about this bc I might have ADHD? But I don't want to try to diagnose myself or anything


Yeah, sure

K, sorry it took me a while to get back to you. I don't really have the hyper active part, but I've discovered that if I don't have at least a bit of something with added sugar in it, I go crazy. I can't focus very well, it's hard, and when I try to focus it seems there's a million other things to do than the task at hand. I try cleaning my room, but oh look! There's a bottle of nail polish, that's much better than cleaning. And if I try to focus and don't have any added distractions, I get frustrated because I JUST CAN'T FREAKING FOCUS. Sometimes, when I find a task interesting, I may do it without any problems, but you can't get me to stop, and if you try too hard, we will have a large problem. And music helps me focus a million times better.
But caffeine does calm me down a bit, makes me a bit tired, though I don't drink it much because my mom won't let me.


sdkljfgksdjfgjkh dude if that isn't me then idk what is
and for me if things get too overwhelming and I absolutely can't focus on anything I start to get really depressed

@Moxie group

I have undiagnosed ADD but my mom is a teacher and she thinks I have it. I really wish I could get diagnosed because I could get more time on standardized testing (cause heaven knows I need it, I've done really bad on the last couple) but its such a complicated and expensive process.

@Moxie group

When you have ADD you can stare off into space or goof of for literal hours and suddenly its midnight and you've done no work and you're like how did this happen?? Also I am constantly fidgeting unless I am really tired. That's the only time I'm not. I'll play with my hair, or fidget with my jewelry, or bounce my leg or I'll tap my fingers against my thigh a lot. So yeah lots of fidgeting. Lots of not focusing


I don't really fidget unless I get really really excited, then my leg starts bouncing and I can't stop moving at all. If I'm super tired and just generally depressed and unfocused, I'm usually really still but super tense