forum any oldies still here?
Started by @Desvelarse pets

people_alt 87 followers


I ended up deleting my old account (Went my dancing rubber chicken and had a rubber chicken as a profile pic 😂)
I’ve been here since 2018/2019 so a long time. Got super busy with school and now I’m back because I forgot how much I love rope playing


we used to talk quite a bit in the forums and were email penpals for a bit!(sorry i dropped off w that by the way…)but yeah, hey!! i was wren lol

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

hey i just saw this and thought it'd be super fun to slip on in here! I used to go by the user "write_where_i_wanna_be_" and people called me Write :)
i wouldn't necessarily say im a veteran or anything but I've definitely been on here for a while!


Lol I like that all of us have been here for 3+ years and we're all still unsure if we count as old

I've only met a few users that have passed the five year mark, and most of them are no longer active, so we're the next oldest gen of users I suppose

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(lol i just dont want to assume and then someone whos been on for like 5 years come up and be like "actually no" bc im scared of that lol. Id feel like a liar XD)


It definitely sounds cool to be one of the older users (I always thought the 'old' users were so cool when I first joined)


I think (at least as far as I've seen here, I could be wrong/missing someone) Shade and I are the oldest here? With like 4.5 years (ish) under our belts

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

hey i just saw this and thought it'd be super fun to slip on in here! I used to go by the user "write_where_i_wanna_be_" and people called me Write :)
i wouldn't necessarily say im a veteran or anything but I've definitely been on here for a while!

Yoooo how have u been homie?

@saor_illust school

we used to talk quite a bit in the forums and were email penpals for a bit!(sorry i dropped off w that by the way…)but yeah, hey!! i was wren lol

oh !!! i do remember that !! welcome back o/


one of my clearest memories of this site was being in 7th or 8th grade and talking to another user about how they were worried about turning 16 and I thought they were so old at the time. for perspective I'll be 18 soon lmao