forum Anti Reylo
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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@Starfast group

…Anyways, I don't really have really strong opinions on this (or on most ships tbh). BUT with that said, I kind of don't like ships where a main character is shipped with a villain (or villain like character). I've seen it in other series, Harry Potter and the Red Queen are two that immediately come to mind. But idk, I just can't get behind the idea of two people who are actively working against each other being in a romantic relationship. I just don't get it?

In regards to Star Wars, I like Rey and Kylo as individual characters. Rey is a good example of a strong, female character; and Kylo is a fairly interesting villain. I just don't like the idea of the two of them together, romantically. I'm not saying that Rey needs a love interest, but literally anyone but Kylo.

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I'm not really into Star Wars but my siblings are, so I know a lot about it.

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I honestly agree with this entire thing. I hope Rey stays single though because it just shows how strong and independent women she is and if they ended up together then it's just weird.