forum Anti Reylo
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Nope, I hate it. Rey should be with a man who cares about her. Not Kylo.

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Yeah, it would be really cliche if that actually did happen. And pointless.

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Also, pretty sure Rey isn't into men. (I'm secretly hoping for a lesbian ship lol)

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Yeah but lemme just say Maz is honestly a great mentor figure.


i AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY. reylo is flat out weird. it would have been an interesting plot twist if Rey had joined the dark side, but romance between them would have been soooo weird


IKR like don't get me wrong i think he's an interesting character but he's too dang WHINY. he needs a lot of character development. rey deserves wayyyy better even if she is a bit of a mary sue


Yeah, I thought Kylo was an interesting character when I watched TFA, but (smacks forehead) they were trying too hard to make the homicidal white boy a character to feel very sorry for in TLJ.

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I hope he BURNS (not in a metaphorical way, just burns like darth vader)

(Insert Moriarty "Burn" meme here)