forum Another chat to talk about story ideas
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Okay here I go

My main character Allegra and her BFF 5ever Ellis sneak aboard a star ship named the Seattle (SE-8TT1) because they think they might have a better life on another planet. They get caught by the engineer. They're allowed to stay on board when they explain why they went in the first place, because the pilot Lars is a sap honestly.

So they travel around a bit and pick up some more passengers, then Lars gets an urgent report. He won't tell anyone else what it's about, so Allegra goes and rummages through his stuff to find the report. Turns out a rogue planet floated into the scopes of a science establishment on the planet Nesoi, which is the farthest planet from earth so far. They picked up strange readings on the rogue and asked Lars and crew to investigate.

They land on the planet and start searching around and there's a maze that winds all across the surface. They go to explore and find this wall that looks like liquid light. So Ellis touches it (like a ding dong) and it sends him to a deep part of the universe. He gets "possessed' by Ater, demon extraordinaire, and escapes the realm in which he was sealed away for so long.

Meanwhile, the crew had made an attempt to explore the maze again, which resulted in Cody (another character) almost getting killed by Nex, a goblin like being who can reflect the people it's harmed.

Ater almost tears their ship apart and kills the engineer. Nex and Ater, however, have a history. They battle it out.

In the end Ater and Nex get destroyed (don't ask me how) and the crew escapes.

That was longer than I expected wow.

@Becfromthedead group

The only one that I'm actively working on is Immortal Minds. I started writing the first untitled one a while back but I haven't touched it in a while. I've kind of been meaning to start over because I don't really like how it's turning out so far.

Mostly I just think about writing these tbh.

That's okay. You seem to have a lot planned out, if you ever do feel like writing those.

@Starfast group

Yeah, I guess I more or less have them all figured out. The first one I came up with the idea when I was like 12 or 13. I'm 23 now, so it's been in my head for around 10 years which seems kind of crazy. I had to rework it a lot because when I first came up with the idea there was a lot of plot holes and some of the world building was kind of lazy. But I think I'm almost at the point where I could start writing it if I wasn't such a procrastinator.

@Becfromthedead group

I'm not sure what to do with my old work. I'm about to leave for college, and I know it's not great throwing away work (because my earlier stuff was all on paper), but idk what to do with it. I would die if my parents ever accidentally stumbled upon it…


  1. I would definitely describe it as Sci-Fi
  2. It does have Fantasy elements but with a Sci-Fi twist
  3. I'm not as far as I'd like to be cus I've been suffering from serious writer's block
  4. That is a terrible excuse

@Becfromthedead group

Everyone gets writer's block sometimes. Maybe a little more pre-planning would help? But yeah, your idea is really cool.
And @TheLavenderOwl yeah… I know, I wish that were a viable option, though