forum Another chat to talk about story ideas
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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@Becfromthedead group

Hi! I'm currently working on my (maybe?) fantasy story that I mentioned in the other chat, I might go into more detail later, if you'd like to hear about it.

@Becfromthedead group

Worldbuilding stuff:
It takes place in an alternate dimension, not extremely different from our own. The people there all are born with a certain capacity to conduct magic (which is based in an individual's life energy), and they have specific magical powers, either attached to an element or some other sort of special ability, like telepathy, healing, clairvoyance, etc. Each person only has one specific type of magical aptitude. Some, such as clairvoyance, are more passive skills. They don't take much life force to use, but they are also not practical in battle. Then you have assisting skills like healing, which are incredibly draining and limited. In fact, most people with healing magic don't heal other people on the spot. They do something to speed up the healing process so they don't seriously harm themselves. There is also magic that has more to do with the mind and influence on others, such as aura magic and telepathic magic (influence and mind-reading). Aura can be draining, but is usually pretty safe to use, as it is mostly used to affect emotions, not necessarily to change someone's mind. Telepathic magic is draining, but otherwise, self-explanatory. Then there's offensive magic, which is most magic. This includes elemental powers, necromancy (controlling the dead to do one's bidding), and shifting (shapeshifting into a specific type of animal). The amount of life force drained increases with increasing power. I made sure to put a lot of limitations on every thing and give overuse of any sort of magic side effects to keep people from being OP.
The society in the world is supposedly a confederacy, but this turns out to be mostly a guise for what's actually a very central government that wants to rule the whole continent, as it has for a long time. There are several different states with many different cultures and people, and it is widely known that they don't belong together in one giant nation, but the military is so strong that it's hard to resist. About a year before the start of the story, a revolution in one of the states had ended, and they managed to break away from the nation. This sets the stage for the new revolution, which is to encompass all of the states.
That's the worldbuilding stuff, idk if you're interested about the plot and characters, too. It all still needs some work.

@Becfromthedead group

The story starts with Xander, who is a 17-year-old career thief. He is orphaned; he never knew his mother, and his father was murdered a few years prior, when he was too young to get a job. Also, the care for orphans where he lived was sub-par, so he figured he was better off taking care of himself and turned to crime. It begins with him trying to steal a magic object called the Life Stone to bring his father back. He successfully grabs it, but is injured in the heist and drains his magic. He manages to escape, but comes across Elizah, a 16-year old girl who has been ignored by the people she loves. She saw him escape and was aware he was a thief, so she tried to subdue him, which was an easy task in his state. Then, she sees the Life Stone, and they make a deal. Xander was allowed to escape alive if Elizah could use the Life Stone to revive her dead brother first. Elizah uses the stone the next morning, after taking care of Xander's injuries and being fairly hospitable. However, one thing she did not mention, and a crucial detail of the stone's lore that escaped Xander is that it was one-use-only, and as soon as Elizah revives Niko, the stone dissolves into dust, and Xander is devastated and left with no purpose. He walks away, and as he goes, he is attacked by a young man who also wants the Life Stone, but when Xander explains what happened, he stops and becomes desparate for help. This character, Ilya, is from another region in the far north, and is part of the Mafia there because he was born into it. He has a younger sister whom the leaders use to get him to work, as he is a most excellent assassin. They constantly threaten to kill her, and he can't let that happen. Xander, upon hearing his story, decides that since he has nothing left to do with himself, he'll help Ilya, and they go back to where Elizah and Niko live to ask for more help because they know Niko has military experience and will be an asset. Niko, however, is hurt still; the Life Stone only cured him of the injury that immediately killed him, so everything else is still there (he got stabbed 20-something times). His incentive for going is both getting healed, as Ilya's sister has healing magic, and doing something good with his life for once. Along the way, they recruit a pair of twin mercenaries and about ten others who all fled from the nation's military when they were appalled at the things they were forced to do, and they go into one of the Mafia's hideouts to save Ilya's sister, Vida. In the process, Ilya is horribly injured and ends up losing a leg, but he gets his sister back. Shortly after, the government sends out soldiers to capture the deserters and criminals Ilya and Xander. The only group left is Niko, Elizah, Vida (Ilya's sister), Marin, and Donatella (the mercenaries). Niko is determined to save them, mostly because his best friend is there, so through his quick thinking and cunning, they are able to break the others out of prison. That said, they were not fast enough, because the punishment for everyone's crimes was supposed to be death, which the government preferred to do through crowding and starving everyone, and exposing them to disease. In that time, one of the people had died, and several were left terribly ill. After some time, they all heal, and travel together to the southernmost region, where Jem, an old friend of Niko lives. He is trying to get back to his pregnant wife and kids so he can send them away safely. While they're there, his wife goes into labor, but anti-government terrorists attack his home because he's a known high-ranking soldier. Everyone is separated, someone else dies (Lilith, the very nuturing, motherly character, also mother to Hanna), and they eventually manage to regroup. That's when they hear about revolt in the easternmost region, which never happens, as it is a very peaceful place. Niko's best friend, Giordan, is pressured to go back home, as he finds out the government has razed the town. Several thousand people died, and he has to make sure his family is okay. Jem and his family, including the newborn twins, splits from the group to see his family to safety. When the group comes to the eastern city, Giordan finds most of his family is alright, but his father died trying to see others to safety. This city, however, is where the revolution's core stemmed from, and somehow, Niko is the one caught at the center of it, as its leader. His charisma and leadership skills set him apart, and he becomes their commander.
After that, things get really sketchy in the plot. Definitely still working out the kinks, who lives, who dies, that sort of thing. Sorry if anything doesn't make sense. If you have any questions, ask away.

@Starfast group

I've got a couple things I'm kind of working on. I think I may have mentioned one or two of them in the other thread, but I really like talking about my stuff and I don't really have anyone to talk about it with so here's some summaries:

Magic Keepers of the 5 Nations: This one kind of requires a bit of world building info to explain, but in this universe there's only ever 10 Magic Keepers (which is just a fancy word for magic users, but there's 2 for each nation). The MC becomes a Magic Keeper, but the King of one of the other kingdoms is kind of corrupt and he's trying to monopolize the Magic Keepers to make his nation more powerful and no one can really stop him because he's the last Magic Keeper from his generation, which makes him literally the most powerful person in the 5 nations. So the story is about the MC trying to learn about her new powers so that she can protect her home nation and so that she can help take down the evil King.

[Untitled]: This one has four MCs. They each have a different power, and they all have to leave their homes when people find out about their powers. For some context, the story takes place a few decades after there were witch hunts for people with powers. The group that had been carrying out these had been disbanded, but it's established early on that they're still operating in secret at the beginning of the story.
The MCs end up learning about a town where they can be safe. Their paths all cross and they make it there in the end, more or less in one piece. But then their safety threatened when the group behind the witch hunts kind of clues into the fact that this town exists. Not only that, but they're also trying to kill off the king so that this group can have the same authority that they used to and the MCs need to stop them before that happens.

Immortal Minds (this is a working title, I may change it): This one is still kind of a WIP in terms of the plot, but it takes place in modern day Vancouver and it's about a guy named Dallas whose classmate goes missing. Dallas was there on the night she went missing, but can't actually remember anything from that night. He ends up finding his classmate, but she's murdered shortly after. Right before her death though, Dallas finds out that both he and his classmate can read minds. He's pretty sure that his newfound ability and the death of his classmate are somehow linked so he teams up with two other guys with the same ability so that they can try to piece together what happened on the night that Dallas' classmate went missing and how it all ties in to their abilities.

[Untitled 2]: This one is very much a work in progress and admittedly, I have a setting, I have characters, but I barely have a plot. So far, what I have is the main character's parents were part of some kind of secret organization. Something happens to them (I'm not sure if I want to kill them off or what) and the MC is now on the run. She ends up joining a circus, but then the same person (or people?) who had it in for MCs parents find her and basically manipulate her into helping them carry out some kind of evil plan. Not really sure what happens next, but I'm working on it. Like I said, pretty much everything is a work in progress with this one.

Anyways, so yeah, those are my stories. If you guys have any questions or general comments (or title suggestions PLEASE GOD) I'd really love to hear them because I love talking about my stuff and rarely get the opportunity to do it because I have like no friends.

@Becfromthedead group

These sound cool! I'm also amazed that you can work so many stories at once! I have another one in addition to my main WIP, and let's just say it's neglected a lot.

@Starfast group

The only one that I'm actively working on is Immortal Minds. I started writing the first untitled one a while back but I haven't touched it in a while. I've kind of been meaning to start over because I don't really like how it's turning out so far.

Mostly I just think about writing these tbh.