forum Animation project! Any and all skills welcome
Started by @amber_is_in_a_loop

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@Acetylcholine terrain

I wouldn't mind helping with a voiceover.

I'm very new at digital art (I'm learning new things about Krita every day); I've done traditional art before though. Not sure how much that would help with an animation project…

@Mojack group

I could try to help with storyboarding; I’ve done some before and enjoyed the job! I’m just not good with drawing humanoids (it just takes me a while to get the proportions right is all)

I would try for vocals but I’m not too confident in my voice either so I think I’ll stick for storyboarding. This seems very neat though!


(To those doing voiceovers on mobile, I found this app called Voloco for recording
it’s main focus is overly synthesized auto tune but it has one effect that simply reduces background noise and makes things sound way clearer
plus the reverb & stuff could work for atmosphere things, like if a character’s in a large empty room or something
Just throwing it out there if anyone wants to use it)

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I volunteer for anything

Judging, editing and/or writing stuff especially

I am judgy gorl