forum @andrew...ANDREW COME MORROW
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 7 followers

Deleted user

My hometown is mentioend in the first coupple of songs in the musical Book Of Mormon.


We're going to have to really think hard about this if we want it to happen, and I want to point out some obstacles because making a notebook con definitely wouldn't be easy.

  • This would cost a LOT of money. Getting the funds would require a lot of time, planning, organization, etc. And we might not even get the required funds
  • Who would really be able to go? Do we really have enough users to support something like this?
  • What's the appeal? What exactly would we do? Just talk about writing and the website? We need fun, engaging activities and ideas for stands/events for a successful con
  • This site isn't even close to fully developed, from what I know. Are we really ready for a con?
  • This would take a lot of time!


As much as I would love having a con and getting to meet all you guys, Jensen has a point. It would take a lot of time, money, and persuasion to get this to happen. It's not impossible, but not going to happen any time in the near future.

Deleted user

Yes, Salty has a point. Not that it doesn’t sound fun, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), even if he were to try and collect funds, a good majority of us are kids! Young writers (some who aren’t even supposed to be here laughs)! We can’t help pay for it, no matter if we wanted to. I also second the activities for we can’t just have a whole buncha people standing around, you know?

I know I basically repeated what Salty said but hopefully in more detail?


Yeah. I'm a young writer and I don't have a stable job so no matter how much I want to, I just wouldn't be able to put any money towards making this happen. I'm sorry.

Deleted user

As much as I want this to happen, I have to disagree. Last time I checked. notebook only has about 1,000 something users. While most of them are scattered across the U.S , some of them live in other countries. Basically, there aren't enough people to hold a con and no offense, but it would be a waste of money. Don't forget, we need to pay for security measures and vends and other things as well. I


I don't mean to get everyone down about this. It's definitely possible, but there's so much we have to do first, and it would take several years, and I personally believe we should wait until this website has grown more before we try to start a con.

Deleted user

There is also the safety piece. We don't know who anyone is here.

Deleted user

ummmm…….nobody knows anyone at any other con either…………also jynador you okay?