forum @andrew...ANDREW COME MORROW
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 7 followers

Deleted user

So, I know a bunch of people have thought about it before, but this time we're taking it to the next level.
Notebook Con.
You see, instead of one great meetup somewhere in Texas, Notebook Con will operate just like the many other cons worldwide. It will be held in a massive building or somewhat/something and then people can come from wherever. Like other cons, it will be held in many different places so everyone (people get on here globally) can come if they want. The con would be for us to share stories, writing tips, and characters, and of course, meet people we've met online in a safe, controlled environment. Of course, there are a couple of questions.
-Would the cons be simultaneous or traveling?
-How would we ensure this safe environment?
-Who, exactly, would fund everything? Could we all just pitch in?
-I know a lot of people will want to help organize (such as your truly), so how do we keep things controlled and orderly?
-Is this even possible?
-If it is, how long will it be until the first Notebook Con shows up?

@HighPockets group

So, I can't speak for everyone obviously, but a lot of us are college or school aged, on here in secret, or have said things on this site that we don't want parents to know. And some might need parents to drive them here. While I love this idea, I'm not sure if it would work out and some people may not be able to come.

Deleted user

That's true, but the great majority of Notebookers have uptmost permission to be here. Those that don't? I don't want to offend anyone, but…unless you can think of a different way to get together, then…

Deleted user

So, I can't speak for everyone obviously, but a lot of us are college or school aged, on here in secret, or have said things on this site that we don't want parents to know. And some might need parents to drive them here. While I love this idea, I'm not sure if it would work out and some people may not be able to come.


Same here. I'm not supposed to have a Notebook account, no matter how much I'd love to go

i can't ;u;

Deleted user

So, I can't speak for everyone obviously, but a lot of us are college or school aged, on here in secret, or have said things on this site that we don't want parents to know. And some might need parents to drive them here. While I love this idea, I'm not sure if it would work out and some people may not be able to come.


Same here. I'm not supposed to have a Notebook account, no matter how much I'd love to go

i can't ;u;

same here

Deleted user

I realize there are a lot of people who have difficulties with this.
Troubleshooter mode: On
Those of you that aren't supposed to have a notebook account: Hey…what if it wasn't just a Notebook Con? What if it was a Writing Con, and there was a section devoted to Notebook? Then you'd have a real reason to go.
Those of you whose parents are protective: Can't your parents…just…go with you?
Those of you who have absolutely no way of going: Well, I couldn't see Jingle Jam, Taylor Swift, the Mythbusters, or the Try Guys, or Comic Con, or a lot of things. So I am truly sorry but there's no way around just not being able to go.

Deleted user

Those of you whose parents are protective: Can't your parents…just…go with you?

I'm not sure.

That would tie in with option three, then. I'm trying my best to troubleshoot everything here. If there's anything that could complicate anything, I'll try to find a way around it.

Deleted user

My parents wouldnt allow me, it took me over a year to get my parents to let me go to a con (Still havent done it) and it took me 7 years to get a phone

Deleted user

I think it would be cool, but I don’t think I’d be able to go if it was outside of my state

What if there was one in every state? I mean, it would be a lot, but if the cons traveled instead of being all at the same time, it might work.

Deleted user

My parents wouldnt allow me, it took me over a year to get my parents to let me go to a con (Still havent done it) and it took me 7 years to get a phone

Yeesh. I'm sorry for you. That goes with option 3 in my troubleshootin' post.

Deleted user

My parents wouldnt allow me, it took me over a year to get my parents to let me go to a con (Still havent done it) and it took me 7 years to get a phone

I am included in this problem except I'm fourteen (underage and untrusted) and don't even have a phone.

Deleted user

If your parents won't let you go, I can't convince them. I wish I could, I'm sorry. But, if there's any logistical promlems I could try and troubleshoot them.


My parents wouldnt allow me, it took me over a year to get my parents to let me go to a con (Still havent done it) and it took me 7 years to get a phone

I am included in this problem except I'm fourteen (underage and untrusted) and don't even have a phone.

I'm thirteen and I don't have a phone. My parents won't let me get one until I'm fifteen or sixteen. I feel your pain.

Deleted user

My parents wouldnt allow me, it took me over a year to get my parents to let me go to a con (Still havent done it) and it took me 7 years to get a phone

I am included in this problem except I'm fourteen (underage and untrusted) and don't even have a phone.

I'm thirteen and I don't have a phone. My parents won't let me get one until I'm fifteen or sixteen. I feel your pain.

I can't get one until I'm eighteen.

I've tried and convincing them to get me one because America right now is awful


My parents wouldnt allow me, it took me over a year to get my parents to let me go to a con (Still havent done it) and it took me 7 years to get a phone

I am included in this problem except I'm fourteen (underage and untrusted) and don't even have a phone.

I'm thirteen and I don't have a phone. My parents won't let me get one until I'm fifteen or sixteen. I feel your pain.

I can't get one until I'm eighteen.

I've tried and convincing them to get me one because America right now is awful

I'm sorry. Can I convince them? (probably not)

Deleted user

My parents wouldnt allow me, it took me over a year to get my parents to let me go to a con (Still havent done it) and it took me 7 years to get a phone

I am included in this problem except I'm fourteen (underage and untrusted) and don't even have a phone.

I'm thirteen and I don't have a phone. My parents won't let me get one until I'm fifteen or sixteen. I feel your pain.

I can't get one until I'm eighteen.

I've tried and convincing them to get me one because America right now is awful

I'm sorry. Can I convince them? (probably not)

No, I wish you could, I'm not supposed to have this account, remember?


My parents wouldnt allow me, it took me over a year to get my parents to let me go to a con (Still havent done it) and it took me 7 years to get a phone

I am included in this problem except I'm fourteen (underage and untrusted) and don't even have a phone.

I'm thirteen and I don't have a phone. My parents won't let me get one until I'm fifteen or sixteen. I feel your pain.

I can't get one until I'm eighteen.

I've tried and convincing them to get me one because America right now is awful

I'm sorry. Can I convince them? (probably not)

No, I wish you could, I'm not supposed to have this account, remember?


Deleted user

My parents wouldnt allow me, it took me over a year to get my parents to let me go to a con (Still havent done it) and it took me 7 years to get a phone

I am included in this problem except I'm fourteen (underage and untrusted) and don't even have a phone.

I'm thirteen and I don't have a phone. My parents won't let me get one until I'm fifteen or sixteen. I feel your pain.

I can't get one until I'm eighteen.

I've tried and convincing them to get me one because America right now is awful

I'm sorry. Can I convince them? (probably not)

No, I wish you could, I'm not supposed to have this account, remember?




My parents wouldnt allow me, it took me over a year to get my parents to let me go to a con (Still havent done it) and it took me 7 years to get a phone

I am included in this problem except I'm fourteen (underage and untrusted) and don't even have a phone.

I'm thirteen and I don't have a phone. My parents won't let me get one until I'm fifteen or sixteen. I feel your pain.

I can't get one until I'm eighteen.

I've tried and convincing them to get me one because America right now is awful

I'm sorry. Can I convince them? (probably not)

No, I wish you could, I'm not supposed to have this account, remember?


