forum AMA (Ask Me Anything)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 54 followers

Deleted user

So I figure I’m pretty new here, and what better way to get to know me then to host an AMA! Anything goes!

Deleted user

Were you a young boy when your father took you into the city? Did you see a marching band?

Deleted user


Do I still not exist?

Were you a young boy when your father took you into the city? Did you see a marching band?

Nope, although I surprisingly understand that reference!

Deleted user

Any specific inspiration behind your username?


The name itself has a lot of origins, but I like to think it came from an real-life nickname. Plus it just sounds neat!

Deleted user

can you do math well?

Math was not my best subject back when I went to school. No.

How'd you find Notebook?

Saw it mentioned on another site, thought I might have a look!


Yo, I'm new here, too, mind if I hijack your idea?
And another question, if you don't mind answering—how old are you? If that's too personal, what about your favorite color?

Deleted user

Yo, I'm new here, too, mind if I hijack your idea?

It’s not an original idea, but by all means, go ahead!

And another question, if you don't mind answering—how old are you? If that's too personal, what about your favorite color?

Hmm…I won’t give a specific age, since I do like a bit of mystery. I’ll go for a range though! I’m somewhere between 23-30 years old.

As for my favourite colour, I like yellow the best.