forum Am I Really Helping?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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@Becfromthedead group

I see what you mean… But if you do leave, it should never be because you feel like you're not helpful or good enough. It's one thing to leave because you feel like you spend too much time here, or because other life events come up and get in the way. However, I've noticed most of the people who leave this site/the forums leave because of insecurities, and it's kind of sad because everyone is loved and needed here. I don't know what your case is, but judging by this thread, I can guess it's not much different.

Deleted user

Of course not! You helped a lot of people on this site, if anyone’s mean to you on here they are probably jealous of you.

@faltering-through pets

Shuri, my dude I don't exactly know you on a personal level and chances are that we've never really talked to each other on this site but sometimes when I see those forums you put up there giving people encouragement and helping people out that kinda makes me feel good. To know that people like you still exist in the world because nine times out of ten people won't help each other and just brush each other off not giving a damn


Shuri, my dude I don't exactly know you on a personal level and chances are that we've never really talked to each other on this site but sometimes when I see those forums you put up there giving people encouragement and helping people out that kinda makes me feel good. To know that people like you still exist in the world because nine times out of ten people won't help each other and just brush each other off not giving a damn



Thank you all… I am not the only good one here… You're all such diamonds in the rough… In this crappy world it's this site and a few key individuals who give me faith in humans… And while I know there are other good ones in the world, I surely think and feel that you're all the best… Each and every one of you is your own precious thing! Keep trying to make a difference, take care of yourselves…