forum Am I Really Helping?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Deleted user

HONEY YA ARE HELPING. Don't even think for a second you aren't, you are wonderful and appreciated here on Notebook, and we all love you. You're always so kind and supportive and you always make time for anyone. You've always been there for a conversation, and while I don't know you extremely well, I still know I know enough to know that you're an amazing and vital part of this online community.

@Becfromthedead group

Yes, Shuri. I think you make people feel comfortable to open up, and that's a really important thing, especially for those who have no one else to talk to. You've been a force of good on this site, and I think I speak for everyone when I say your effort to go out and help others is appreciated and so beneficial to the community.

Deleted user

Am I? I don't feel like I'm helping anyone…. I have to know… And I'm not in the mood for bullshit… Give me honesty…

Shuri of course you are! You help me a lot, you’re an escape from guilt for me. You listen and give me good advice, you make me laugh, if you think you don’t help me you are completely wrong!

Deleted user

Honestly if you didn’t help me I would be ignoring you, am I? If I was then I wouldn’t have told you even more of my problems.


Shuri you're a great person. Honestly even you asking how my day has been (or just askin in chats im in) is really nice, especially since im at college now and dont have my mom here to ask me how my day was when I get back from classes. You offering to help and listen and your willingness to give advice is amazing and so so helpful. I know that at a different point in my life when I was in a worse place than I am now, you even telling me/ the chat that you care about me/ us would have probably made me cry because I was in that bad of a place.
I always enjoy hearing from you. It's nice to know that i can come to you with questions about anything and get an honest response and an offer of help and advice.
I know it can be hard to offer help and have no one come to you when you know that they are hurting but know that even offering help can be a blessing all on its own because it shows you support us and you care.
you are a light on this website and I beg you to keep being yourself and offering to help.

Deleted user

I really don’t want you to leave, I’ll prbably leave if everyone keeps leaving… Emi won’t like that I did but I can’t stand it, first Moony, then Anime Addict, I cant loose another friend!

@Sammy H.

Shuri… no matter what you are the ray of sunshine upon people. You help. You save people on some occasions…
Not just me… but most of everyone on this site believes that you’re a good person and that you’re being helpful…


Of course you're helping shuri. You're an awesome person and you make me so much better. We love you, you are helping