forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

people_alt 62 followers


I miss her so badly today. And we were going to talk on Monday about our relationship but I have been strictly forbidden from contacting her AT ALL but I know that we can't make this better if we don't talk! Uuuughโ€ฆ

@Toaster group

I wish there was some way I could help. I know there's a way through this. It may not be an obvious way, but don't give up hope.

@saor_illust school


so, uh
i've never just thrown these out there, since it's usually me relating them to a situation a friend has
so i don't really know what i'm doing-

i'll try my best
i like to personify life. now, Life is cruel. He really doesn't like the human race all that much. Sometimes he appears to favor certain humans more than others. And sometimes it's really clear when he beats a certain human up a bunch. And other times, it's not so clear when he digs a hole under your feet. Ah yes, the holes. life sucks. I know. but Life really likes to dig holes. A lot. And I say this as I have yet to climb out of the hole (again) that has been dug under my feet. But I know I can make it. And you know why? Because once you've fallen down into the depths of your hole, perhaps you've been unfortunate enough to have fallen into a deep deep hole and you can no longer see the light, your hope, or the top, just remember. Just because you can't see the light or the hope you'd been clinging onto for so long, it doesn't mean it's gone. Which means that, once you're there, at the bottom of the hole? There's only one way to go - up. So start climbing, and don't give up hope, because if you need us? We'll be there, reaching our hands down, maybe from our own holes, but nevertheless, we'll be there because we want to be there for you. In hole-land, as I'm calling it. We can stretch our limbs as far as we want, allowing us to be there for you. <3

Deleted user

Also when your down there help other people up also!

@saor_illust school

Ye! That's exactly the point. ALSO that reminds me something. Maybe there's someone who follows this thread, but has never said a word in it. Maybe they're scared to post something. Or maybe they're just looking for some inspiration. And maybe, they're in a hole themselves. A deep one. And they've already fallen so far into the hole, and they're at the bottom. Maybe they can't see the light anymore, maybe they can't even make out the shadows at the very top of the hole. Maybe it's just pitch black. Well person, I'll tell you something.

Don't curl into yourself. That's unhealthy.I know it may seem like all hope is lost. It isn't. I may not know your situation, but I know things will get better, with time. Don't throw away your hope, just because you can't see it. It's okay to lose it, but never throw it away. And one more thing- I bring with me two pinterest images. (One a repost and another posted on the venting thread once before)

(okay i lied. maybe i have three more)