forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

people_alt 62 followers


same here hahah
i’ve honestly felt kinda listless every day, ya know? i have an autoimmune disease so i can barely leave the house due to corona ://
but yesterday my friend brought me chocolate (don’t worry we were more than six feet apart) and that made my day tbh
(also sorry if i get annoying i can the queen of oversharing sometimes)

@Anemone eco

You're not annoying me, so no worries there, Elle (can I call you that?)! It sounds lovely to have a friend to bring you chocolate. Mine doesn't even know my address though. But then again, she doesn't even know her own… but that's beside the point. I feel ya on the listless thing, though it's kinda constant for me lol. I'm glad you're holding up though!


Aw thanks you guys!! Also yeah you can totally call me Elle hahah. :)
do y’all have any homework? i personally feel like my teachers are giving me more than they normally do but i wonder if it’s the same for everyone else



You sound (look???) so shocked. 😂

But it is shocking. And surprising because I love that sort of thing 😂


Or rac ecar. But personally, I don't care much for racecars because they never work in everyday situations. Like the NIO EP9. Not functional in reality. The Lamborghini Huracán Performante, however…