forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

people_alt 62 followers


Imma assume the answer is yes so here you are

This- actually made me smile-

He's pretty much always adorable unless I am trying to sleep and he's friken BANGING HIS HOUSE AROUND AND MAKING LOTS OF NOISE

or when he pees on me

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Lol- that reminds me of a vary funny story…

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I am very tiered =^ Went to sleep at 1 and almost slept through my class.


I just found a meme that's a picture of Inigo Montoya and it says "Hello stress. You killed my sanity, prepare to die."
And I'm dying XD


Today, I asked my Alexa for the weather, and she was like "…today you can expect some sun and thunderstorms…"
Sun and thunderstorms?! HECK NO


When we get them, I have to literally steal like half the box and hide it somewhere, otherwise the Turd Burglars who live in my house (ie the other humans) will eat them all in about five seconds flat.

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Does anyone here know what 'Avitar: The last air-bender' is?