forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

people_alt 62 followers


And in spirit of the conversation, my other boyfriend is named Jasper, he is a giant teddy bear. For when my real boyfriend/semi-fiancé is not cooperating. Or when I need to cry and my boyfriend can't be there to give me a snuggle.


(Nonsentient? Insentient?? IDK, but Jasper's one of those giant teddy bears you get at Costco. I'm snuggling with him rn. He sits in a corner of my room and basically serves as a chair of sorts. XD )


Yes. He's my snuggle buddy. As is Captain, my guinea pig, who isn't very snuggly, but I make him snuggle with me once in a while. Unfortunately, it almost always ends with him peeing on me, but that's guinea pigs for you.

@saor_illust school

Ah yes i feel that
my snuggle buddy when i can't get one from my frens is well uh,
very creatively named, mr. bear.
ive gotten quite attached to that name, actually.
the other two bears i have are also very creatively named
mr. bear the second, 'nd mr. bear the third lol


Pfft. I feel ya. And I love those names. XD
Yeah it's funny because when my actual boyfriend comes over, we snuggle with each other as well as Jasper. Like, we curl up and basically use Jasper's stomach as a pillow. Good times.


Well I've had a cruddy day-

Same. And maybe it's just hormones, but I was such a witch today. I literally had to keep myself from screaming a few times.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I have a pink blanket that I had since birth, named, so creatively, 'Blankie'
And a plush bunny that I got for my first Easter, skillfully dubbed 'Bunny', or 'Bun-Bun' for short.


I have a teddy bear named Lilah that I got when I was like 1 or 2, it's actually my earliest memory. I still have her. She is up in mah loft bed rn along with the rest of my stuffed animal menagerie.

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I also have a blanket. It was mine since like when I was 1. It has a moon and a baby sitting on it with number blocks and stuff.


I also have a blanket. It was mine since like when I was 1. It has a moon and a baby sitting on it with number blocks and stuff.

Aww! I have a quilt too, it has scenes on it from the one nursery rhyme that goes, Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the dish ran away with the spoon…


Ok so I have been going on a Paul Simon kick lately
Because the man is a friken genius and his music is AMAZING
And I therefore did a segment of Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes for my choir audition

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Imma assume the answer is yes so here you are

This- actually made me smile-