forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

people_alt 62 followers


Well, if it doesn't, tears are suppose to clear your skin. So rub them in to clear it up.
Don't hold me to that, but I'm pretty sure it's true.


Why do you have to?

I have to because my brother literally has zero artistic talent. Unless it's interior design, which he's okay at.

@Toaster group

Why do you have to?

I have to because my brother literally has zero artistic talent. Unless it's interior design, which he's okay at.

Oh, wow.

@Anemone eco

Well, that's no obligation. I say let him make do with the skill he has and if he does badly, it serves as a lesson to practice more. You shouldn't let him be lazy and carry his slack. You could help him with it, but doing it for him doesn't seem wise to me.

@Toaster group

Well, that's no obligation. I say let him make do with the skill he has and if he does badly, it serves as a lesson to practice more. You shouldn't let him be lazy and carry his slack. You could help him with it, but doing it for him doesn't seem wise to me.


Deleted user

I've tried to but my parents are forcing me to. So yeah.

Oof. What are you drawing?


Well, the ungrateful turd deemed it "not good enough" and that it "needs more shading". I think he can go pound sand. And that he can get me another bag of candy for that verdict. Hmph!