forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

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I am an Anglophile. A human who LOVES all things British/English. BLESS THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE FOR HAVING SUCH AMAZING WORDS.


Here is the definition on

If you're a huge fan of England, you can call yourself an Anglophile. Anglophiles love English culture, accents, food, and people.

If you're American but prefer British spellings of words, like colour and fibre, or have all the British monarchs memorized, or insist on ordering things like "bubble and squeak" when you go to restaurants, you're an Anglophile, a person who loves all things English or British. The word first referred to French fans of England during the 1860s, its roots a combination of the Latin Angli, "the English" and the Greek philos, "loving."


I'm so grateful to whomever came up with this word. Otherwise I would just have to stick with "Secretly British". XD


Well I was just trying to ask some humans for respect and one of them freaking got mad at me just because I wanted to respect another person's wishes. Honestly.


I really hate it when people just attack you out of the blue on here because I always feel super anxious and salty afterwards, which is never a good combination for me. Ugh.


i’m sorry about that
there was quite an increase in troll accounts a few months ago, and now my friends can get really bitter and angry towards people they don’t know very well-
I can’t stand it but there it is.
just don’t take it too hard, k?
you seem like a really nice bean and i wouldn’t want you to be hurt by it-


I know but then I always get sweaty -
Oh well.
Completely random fun fact about me: I can recite the entire Challenge of the Grid beginning scene from Tron: Legacy.
Word. For. Word.
I have this thing called echolalia, which basically means quoting stuff from movies, books, shows, songs, etc. And as I think I have mild synesthesia, it makes it super easy for me to remember sound, which makes it easy for me to quote movies and shows and songs, etc. And I also love words, so I can rattle off quotes from books fairly easily as well.

@Toaster group

Well I was just trying to ask some humans for respect and one of them freaking got mad at me just because I wanted to respect another person's wishes. Honestly.

Omg, they did that to me too once, for no reason.


Wait- hold on I need that. That would be amazing for memorizing playscripts. Like beyond amazing.

I just use it to quote Grand Tour and Tron. Your use is a lot more practical. XD