forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

people_alt 62 followers

@Toaster group

I've tried to draw wings.
Feathers didn't look right, so I used bat wings.
Maybe I could use my bat wing shape for the feathered wings…

Deleted user

I wrote "Oof" And i got

oofed product line (think: most green energy schemes), it's not clear that anyone knows. Even industry specialists such as Paul Douglas, the publisher of Scientific American who has been examining and investigating this topic for many years, and director of the research and policy program at Energy Probe, a think tank in Cambridge, Mass., say that the science is "in chaos."

In other words, we don't really know whether the private ventures of rich investors will pay off or not.

As for the utilities that stand to lose the most, "it's basically a problem of capital," said Kenneth Cohen, president of the utility consulting firm EnergyWise, a public-private venture that operates in 16 U.S. states.

And for those

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"Why" Axil asked. And i got

Why" Axil asked, "was this not the one?"

"That's only one half" John answered, "So two may not exist. You should have been able to ask your mother earlier on."

"He knows but wouldn't tell" Axil laughed, "how boring"

"Really John" Axil sighed, "I must just thank a Creator that although I am a fallen angel my wife has also held it together to support me."

"Thank you Axil" John sighed again, "I should leave my new house on the other side of town in high spirits so that our children will get to spend more quality time with their mother"

"And so you will do, and should I join you


I can't make sense of it, and I have an above-college reading level (read: I read, understood, and loved both The Scarlet Letter and Beowulf).

Deleted user

That's me right now. I have dang history. and is hard =/


One of my favourite Calvin and Hobbes goes something like this:
Calvin: I can't work on my book report… I have to be in the right mood.
Hobbes: What mood is that?
Calvin: Last-minute panic.

@saor_illust school

help me
i have violin lessons today
and my teacher gave me new music
and i havent looked at it at all
but the problem is if i try to practise now
ill get rly nervous bc my dad's downstairs and i hate practising when i know he can hear me

Deleted user

I mean. Just play. There's nothing wrong with your dad hearing. He might actually like it. And I always to things outside! It's nice! A good fresh air. It helps me concentrate.

@saor_illust school

the thing is, i get rly nervous when ppl hear me play
unless they are one of these people: certain frens online, orchestra members in an orchestra setting, and my violin teacher

Deleted user

Dude. Just take a breath and start playing. I felt like that when i was playing guitar and piano, but give it a chance.