forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

people_alt 62 followers


You know what's a bit strange?
When the friend is online, I'm panicky and anxious, but when she's offline, I'm also a bit sad and lonely. I do wish she was more active, but she has posted three times in about the last month, so I'm hoping she's going to be on here more regularly what with quarantine and all. I miss her, so this is about the only time I can "contact" her (even if it is just complimenting her work because she, like everyone else here, is friken talented).

@saor_illust school


sry, this is me just rambling cause i need to put this somewhere. there's not even context to who im talking about
but also i was on twitter just now and im like,,, she's gone. i don't think i ever fully realised that until now.


I don't know if this person being gone is a good thing or not (I'm assuming not), so love and hugs to you Izzy <3

@saor_illust school

ima just offer up some context rq

ive mentioned her on here before, but i don't think you were on the thread way back in february
or now, even
but she was such a strong person
she drew, traditionally and digital
was a 4 time open heart surgery survivor
lived with stage four fibrous sarcoma for the last few months (years?) of her life
and passed away in her sleep either on feb. 8, or 10

my heart literally jumped with joy when i saw a new post from qinni's account
but then of course
it was just her brother
yeah, i knew that when i saw it
but, i still wanted to hope
that maybe she'd just somehow dropped off the face of the earth
and now she was back, hopefully for good


My guinea pig is trying so hard to get my attention
He has crawled on top of his house and is making squeaky noises

@Toaster group

Hey, Iz, you can post those pictures as long as they're not too steamy. Like, they can't show anything inappropriate, and no blood. Pics depicting cuddles and kisses is fine tho.

Deleted user

Amazing- Oh damn…I have an artist's block and I need to draw something for tomorrow…

@saor_illust school

they're b e a u t i f u l
and cats
draw cats
they are amazing, and i can even link you to the exact images i use whenever i'm trying to draw a realistic cat if you want
otherwise i just draw from what i know how to from memory

@saor_illust school

so i know it isn't much (i haven't used these in forever, just haven't felt like doing realistic in a while) but if you need any tips, shapes are the key. if you're working from a reference image, that makes them even more important. always find the most basic shapes, and then it'll be lots easier to form a rough outline/sketch of whatever it is you're drawing.
also. context for images
i use the first one for basic outline, and the second one for referencing realistic looks (because the face and overall structure on the first one isn't realistic at all)


I like the one with the wings. I've tried to figure out how to draw wings for a million years, and I can never seem to get them quite right…

@saor_illust school

it was time well spent surfing google and deviant art for those pictures

and yeah, same
ive always tried to do the ones with feathers
and always failed so i just kinda
gave up