forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

people_alt 62 followers

@V01DtheFae group

Of course, but I'm always lonely. So it's not much different than usual.


mood also I am actually attempting to learn Japanese through Duolingo

@Toaster group

Of course, but I'm always lonely. So it's not much different than usual.


mood also I am actually attempting to learn Japanese through Duolingo


@saor_illust school

Ahhhhhhh good luck! I recommend using (It helps you work on identifying hiragana and katakana) if you find that Duolingo's course is a bit too fast-paced for you. I'm taking the course at school, and even I find it too fast. Like,,, excuse me Duolingo, but I didn't know I was supposed to match kanji to meanings in like,,, a month !!

@Kie group

Speaking of Duolingo, I need to continue with Italian. All I've retained is "Lui mangia il pane." I was a good chunk through then accidentally reset all my progress.


I have been assigned to do a PowerPoint on the 1990's and now I'm just using it as an excuse to look up adorable pictures of Kygo and Martin Garrix and then go into fangirl mode :D


I have now discovered that I make weird squeaky noises whilst fangirling… please tell me that's normal…
even though normal is boring


Right Imma vent now.
I'm very, very, VERY ticked off and hurt right now because I was attacked for trying to be nice. I haven't seen anyone else on that thread attacked for trying to be nice. I mean, I don't think it's justified that people can attack you so viciously for JUST TRYING TO COMPLIMENT SOMEONE. And swearing at me WILL NOT be tolerated. Ugh. I hate mean people. I wasn't trying to play the victim… uuuuuuugh. Stupid people. I am very disappointed in humanity right now. And then people are even attacking my username, and that's the last straw for me. I don't understand this. I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE NICE CAN'T PEOPLE JUST ACCEPT THAT WITHOUT SWEARING AT ME AND FREAKING ATTACKING ME JUST OUT OF THE BLUE AND NOT EVEN ATTACKING ANYONE ELSE UUUUUUUUUUUGH now I wanna cry help why are people so mean ugh I was just trying to be nice.


You don't need to take it up with them, they'll just be as vicious to you as they were to me. Those guys have NO MERCY. I WAS LITERALLY JUST TRYING TO GIVE SOMEONE A COMPLIMENT AND WAS TRYING TO GET THINGS BACK ON TRACK.
(Seriously don't get them mad, they'll attack you viciously)