forum #Alonetogether
Started by @Toaster group

people_alt 62 followers


I'm trying but I'm literally shaking and ohhhhhh stars. Oh stars oh stars oh stars oh stars oh stars.
Imma just eat a Hi-Chew and focus on my art project now

Deleted user



I would suggest hand lettering, but IDK if you're good at that or not. That's just the first thing that came to my mind XD


Do any of you guys believe in guardian angels?
Because I am freaking out rn and my Pandora just played a song that always brings me lots of comfort
And I think my guardian angel did that


But I know it was my guardian angel.
I think it's too much of a coincidence to be otherwise.
You guys can believe whatever you want to believe and I'm OK with that :)
But oh stars I might cry now because that was awesome

Deleted user

I would suggest hand lettering, but IDK if you're good at that or not. That's just the first thing that came to my mind XD

Ok i neeed that suggestion =/


Oh stars… I might freak out again. Ugh.
My friend who was on here hasn't responded to my message or even contacted me at all and I'm insanely stressed. I hope she will still want to be friends with me?? I feel sick… IDK if she's going to be on here regularly now since her last two posts were like three days apart and she usually is absent for like months at a time… and it says in her bio that she "gets to spend more time with you guys on Notebook" and I'm afraid that she'll say something mean to me or something or tell me that she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. I'm afraid. I'm beyond afraid. I'm petrified, I'm panicking, I'm shaking… help. I hope she has forgiven me??? Because the message I sent her was one where I apologised, forgave her, and said I hope she is doing OK and that I love her lots. I don't know if she could take that the wrong way, but she hasn't responded. Ugh. I'm venting. I'm sorry.

@Toaster group

There's nothing you can do, sweetheart. All you can do is hope for the best. If she decides no leave your life, that's her problem. If she can't see what a great friend you are and what beauty lies within you, then she's not worth your time.
(Speaking from my own experience and how I interpret it.)

@Toaster group

I wish someone would just tell me for once that she will be my friend again.

Look, I'm here to offer advice not to tell you what you want to hear. If she becomes your friend again, then yay! But if not, then I hope you find someone who will value you and treat you like you truly deserve. If your so scared of what she'll think, is she really a good friend? I know it's hard to let go, but sometimes you have to. If you want to keep after her, that's your choice. Just be careful, and try not to get yourself hurt.