forum Almost everyone hates Kylo Ren and I'm in distress
Started by @burningtorch

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@Becfromthedead group

Idk, I was never a fan of Rey, probably because she embodies the "strong woman" trope. I'm not sure I would go so far as to call her a Mary Sue, but she has her moments.
I do agree that Luke being the hero again would've been stupid, though. He already had his moment. This is the next generation's story.

@HighPockets group

I don't think Rey embodies the 'strong woman' trope. She has to learn how to fend for herself since she's a young girl in a dog eat dog world. She's also pretty naive and trusting, as opposed to the 'I don't trust anyone' Strong Woman trope.

@Becfromthedead group

There are different ways it can be embodied, though I sort of see where you're going with that. I just really really hate how good she is with a lightsaber with literally no training, and honestly, in episode 7, I started hating her from her first interaction with Finn. Episode 8, I thought I saw her character going somewhere, and I liked her a lot more, but then I thought her character kind of reverted once she and Kylo Ren met in person again.
The big thing I would like to see, and I think a lot of people would appreciate, is if we got to see more of that work she had to do to become better. She's literally described as being "nobody," when really what the writers meant was "nobody, but with exceptional skills." It's enough that she's force-sensitive, independent, and great with spacecraft. That's a good starting point for her skills. I wanted to see her grow into the rest of her strength instead of showing it outright.


I don't think Rey embodies the 'strong woman' trope. She has to learn how to fend for herself since she's a young girl in a dog eat dog world. She's also pretty naive and trusting, as opposed to the 'I don't trust anyone' Strong Woman trope.

This is so true! Quite a few minutes of TFA were just Rey going through her daily routine. Scavenging a ship, riding around on Jakku, there's even a shot of her drinking the last drops of water from her canteen. The movie took a bunch of time establishing that rey was a survivor

@HighPockets group

Some of my favorite scenes from TFA are when we're following Rey on her daily routine. There's no speaking, no lines, just music as we see scavenge, then slide down a sand hill, return home, and eat her meal while wearing the X-Wing helmet. I remember just going 'woah' the first time I saw the film and it showed her eating her meal and then zoomed out and you saw her AT-AT home.


There are different ways it can be embodied, though I sort of see where you're going with that. I just really really hate how good she is with a lightsaber with literally no training, and honestly, in episode 7, I started hating her from her first interaction with Finn. Episode 8, I thought I saw her character going somewhere, and I liked her a lot more, but then I thought her character kind of reverted once she and Kylo Ren met in person again.
The big thing I would like to see, and I think a lot of people would appreciate, is if we got to see more of that work she had to do to become better. She's literally described as being "nobody," when really what the writers meant was "nobody, but with exceptional skills." It's enough that she's force-sensitive, independent, and great with spacecraft. That's a good starting point for her skills. I wanted to see her grow into the rest of her strength instead of showing it outright.

Okay, so first, Luke had almost no training with a lightsaber in a real combat situation, and yet he was able to hold his own several times without, you know, dying. And he's a farm boy. So the idea that Rey is so skilled at using a lightsaber (without training) is countered by the fact that she really isn't. In the snow battle scene with Kylo, she really reaaalllyyy struggles at first - she is very used to using her staff as opposed to the lightsaber. She stumbles and makes erratic decisions constantly. (Also take note that Kylo is not trying to KILL her in this scene.)
If you look closely you can see that Rey is actually sort of observing Kylo's form and trying to learn how to use this new weapon while in battle, WHICH IS REALLY COOL SHE'S SO COOL AND SMART. She clears her mind at the mention of the Force and lets it guide her. (Side note) When the lightsaber flew into her hands before the fight I personally don't think it was because of her own power with the Force, but rather the Force kind of "chose" her (as it tends to, ahahah). Like Luke says in TLJ, "The Force is not a power you have … to say that if the Jedi die the light dies is vanity."
Not to mention that Kylo is seriously injured (Chewie's bowcaster shot to his abdomen) and at his most mentally unstable state probably in the entire film (oof RIP Han Solo). He's definitely not at his best. To conclude, Star Wars, in my opinion, has always been about not-so-extraordinary individuals doing incredible things. And that's what makes it so amazing and relatable to everyone. If ALL the characters were "somebodies", I think it would make for a pretty predictable and boring story.
(To agree with you, I'd also like to see more of Rey's actual combat training with a lightsaber. Maybe she'll create her own with the shattered kyber crystal in Ep. 9??)


There are different ways it can be embodied, though I sort of see where you're going with that. I just really really hate how good she is with a lightsaber with literally no training, and honestly, in episode 7, I started hating her from her first interaction with Finn. Episode 8, I thought I saw her character going somewhere, and I liked her a lot more, but then I thought her character kind of reverted once she and Kylo Ren met in person again.
The big thing I would like to see, and I think a lot of people would appreciate, is if we got to see more of that work she had to do to become better. She's literally described as being "nobody," when really what the writers meant was "nobody, but with exceptional skills." It's enough that she's force-sensitive, independent, and great with spacecraft. That's a good starting point for her skills. I wanted to see her grow into the rest of her strength instead of showing it outright.

Okay, so first, Luke had almost no training with a lightsaber in a real combat situation, and yet he was able to hold his own several times without, you know, dying. And he's a farm boy. So the idea that Rey is so skilled at using a lightsaber (without training) is countered by the fact that she really isn't. In the snow battle scene with Kylo, she really reaaalllyyy struggles at first - she is very used to using her staff as opposed to the lightsaber. She stumbles and makes erratic decisions constantly. (Also take note that Kylo is not trying to KILL her in this scene.)
If you look closely you can see that Rey is actually sort of observing Kylo's form and trying to learn how to use this new weapon while in battle, WHICH IS REALLY COOL SHE'S SO COOL AND SMART. She clears her mind at the mention of the Force and lets it guide her. (Side note) When the lightsaber flew into her hands before the fight I personally don't think it was because of her own power with the Force, but rather the Force kind of "chose" her (as it tends to, ahahah). Like Luke says in TLJ, "The Force is not a power you have … to say that if the Jedi die the light dies is vanity."
Not to mention that Kylo is seriously injured (Chewie's bowcaster shot to his abdomen) and at his most mentally unstable state probably in the entire film (oof RIP Han Solo). He's definitely not at his best. To conclude, Star Wars, in my opinion, has always been about not-so-extraordinary individuals doing incredible things. And that's what makes it so amazing and relatable to everyone. If ALL the characters were "somebodies", I think it would make for a pretty predictable and boring story.
(To agree with you, I'd also like to see more of Rey's actual combat training with a lightsaber. Maybe she'll create her own with the shattered kyber crystal in Ep. 9??)

I want rey to have a double bladed saber that would be really cool