forum Almost everyone hates Kylo Ren and I'm in distress
Started by @burningtorch

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@Becfromthedead group

I just want a redemption arc honestly. I don’t mean he should switch to the light side (because that would be lame, like come on?), but we need to see that he has redeemable qualities. I like his character personally, but I just want more depth.
(Also people need to stop calling him “abusive” towards Rey like they’re in a relationship. He’s literally the antagonist. This is nothing new.)


Okay y'all

I hate him as much as the next folk over but she did state at the beginning of the chat that she didn't want any hate on here

Now skidaddle or say something positive


Thanks for being positive guys (mostly ahaha) but yeah… From the new movies I kind of got the vibe that he was really fed up with the whole "light and dark" "good and bad" idea. I like this because it's true in real life. No one is all bad or all good. The line between good and evil is very thin if there at all…

@Becfromthedead group

She’s super underdeveloped and her character made me kinda sad tbh. I really wanted to like Rose (and I think Kelly Marie Tran did a fabulous job with what little she was given), but again, I just like the idea of who she could’ve been, not who the script-writers made her. And yeah, sure it was her first appearance in the movies, but she still could’ve been a deeper character.

@HighPockets group

Yeah but I'm sure she'll get developed more. She's not the best Star Wars character, or even ST character, but the amount of hate she gets is astronomical and hate for her is waaaaay overblown. Just look at literally any Rose merchandise on Amazon to see the reviews slamming her that for some reason weren't deleted as spam. It's ridiculous and pathetic that grown-a$$ people hate a character so much that they'll leave one-star reviews on anything involving her and 'intellectual' comments like "the one plus to this action figure is that you can strap it to a bottle rocket". Yes, that was a real review.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I just don’t like the direction it’s heading. I really liked the first half of TLJ, because I felt like characters were developing, then everyone kind of reverted, so I have a fear that Rose will not be developed much more, and neither will anyone else.


Yeah but I'm sure she'll get developed more. She's not the best Star Wars character, or even ST character, but the amount of hate she gets is astronomical and hate for her is waaaaay overblown. Just look at literally any Rose merchandise on Amazon to see the reviews slamming her that for some reason weren't deleted as spam. It's ridiculous and pathetic that grown-a$$ people hate a character so much that they'll leave one-star reviews on anything involving her and 'intellectual' comments like "the one plus to this action figure is that you can strap it to a bottle rocket". Yes, that was a real review.

I have a rose action figure and she is safe and sound on my shelf. No mean SW fans will ever get to her now

@HighPockets group

On the Star Wars collector's site I visit (Yakface) there's this person named Darth Sakul who turns every post that is remotely about the new SW films or new characters into a dumpster fire. Finally some people on the site realized the similarities between this dude and another guy called WeenieBeenie that either got banned or went private after people called him out on his claiming that Solo sucked but not actually having seen the movie. I'm not one to swear, but that guy (and it's clearly the same guy; they write the same way and both claim to be writers and use that to defend pathetically lacking critiques of characters and acting, etc.) is a complete and total a-hole. Finally people stood up to him, but he still leaves his ridiculous comments, but I'm pretty sure he almost got himself banned. Stars, I hope the moderator bans him. He's obnoxious.


On the Star Wars collector's site I visit (Yakface) there's this person named Darth Sakul who turns every post that is remotely about the new SW films or new characters into a dumpster fire. Finally some people on the site realized the similarities between this dude and another guy called WeenieBeenie that either got banned or went private after people called him out on his claiming that Solo sucked but not actually having seen the movie. I'm not one to swear, but that guy (and it's clearly the same guy; they write the same way and both claim to be writers and use that to defend pathetically lacking critiques of characters and acting, etc.) is a complete and total a-hole. Finally people stood up to him, but he still leaves his ridiculous comments, but I'm pretty sure he almost got himself banned. Stars, I hope the moderator bans him. He's obnoxious.

Yeah as an Expanded Universe fan who's also a fan of the ST a lot of these 'fans' are in waayyyy over their heads. Like chill, its a movie, Luke isn't even real. Don't these people have anything better to do than be angry and complain all day (about something trivial in the long run) that they wouldn't even be able to change

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I just wish people who critiqued would actually say something that’s not counter productive. You don’t like a movie? That’s valid. You make sure to be as rude as possible about insulting said movie? That’s obviously not right.
Sometimes it’s ridiculous to the point of comedic though. You hate it so much you’re going to act that way? Why don’t you write an alternate ending yourself? Honestly, could they do any better?


^^Probably not, I hate how awful our fan base looks from the outside, we're probably a total disaster. I guess it doesn't really matter that much because Star Wars will always be great just because it is. For sure we've had our ups and downs but it's really just about not being so negative.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong but is JJ coming back to direct or advise Ep. 9?? I was talking to a fan that didn't much care for TLJ at all (I did though obviously) and he said that JJ had the whole trilogy planned out and Rian Johnson came in and changed everything. If all this is true, I hope JJ can fix the missteps that Rian took.


Everyone gives rian johnson hate for the "mistakes" in TLJ but carrie fisher had a large part writing the script and JJ was an assistant producer. also don't forget pablo hidalgo, kiri hart, and the rest of the lucasfilm story group approved of TLJ. Rian wasn't the only one in charge of the movie, even if he did have a large impact on it

@HighPockets group

Yeah. Also, does anyone else see the irony that fanbabies are angry about Rey being a Mary Sue (she's not) but then whine about how Luke wasn't an overpowered Marty Stu who took down the First Order and Snoke and singlehandedly saved the galaxy.


Yeah. Also, does anyone else see the irony that fanbabies are angry about Rey being a Mary Sue (she's not) but then whine about how Luke wasn't an overpowered Marty Stu who took down the First Order and Snoke and singlehandedly saved the galaxy.

he already took down an evil regime did the manbabies not watch the original trig?