forum AFTER WEEKS... MY CREATION (Derp Picrew Bee beta)
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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The parents have discovered Derp Picrew Bee

geez i wonder how they could’ve found it, not like i posted it publicly to my Instagram or anything-

Project lgbeet rep will have to bee postponed a few days, despite beeing almost finished, simply beecause explaining that to them would bee such a nightmare when it’s really none of their beeswax

@Pickles group

made a bracelet but aro ace on a whim and now realizes I'm going to have to hide it in a plethora of other bracelets so they don't notice
Completely understand. You not getting in trouble > lgbeet rep

@Pickles group

"You just haven't met the right person yet"
"You just have a hormone imbalance"
"It's just a phase"
"But I want grandchildren"
"You're just bi/gay and in denial"
"You just want attention"
"You just want to be special"
"Okay but when are you going to get a boyfriend?"
"What does that even mean?"
"You're just making it up"
"You're supposed to get married"
"You should want sex/kids"


Honestly, my parents would probably be quite okay with me being ace
…if i don't use the term ace, that is.
Cause saying you don't want to get married/have kids = weird but ok, "you'll grow out of it"
But saying you're ace = a made up sexuality to force yourself into the lgbt+ community, therefore making you sound liberal and anti-christian, so you're probably going to hell.
Even worse if you're still alloromantic (? is that the word? i dunno) like me, cause then if you date anyone but don't plan to have children with them/do anything of the sort, you're ignoring god's plan for the human race.
plus they don't know what flag means what, if it's a pride flag it's automatically bad, you shouldn't be proud of sin, so putting one on a bee is also bad and sinful

…and let's not even mention the entire portion of Suffer that just went on about how "most people who say they're asexual just haven't met the right person" and are "simply blinded to the beauty that is creating life" or whatever, i don't know, i forced myself to zone out half the class so my memory's a bit skewed

@Pickles group

Hi I'm ace, I see you're trying to convince me that I haven't met the right person, so tell me Karen, which one of your three husbands was the right person, or was it a fling you had in high school? Because maybe neither of us have met the right person, but I sure as heck haven't met anyone I've been attracted to, so here we are

@Pickles group

Suits me fine, thank you. Sexual attraction seems like a hassle and a half. Romantic attraction seems fine in theory, but dating involves touching and I don't like it (don't date because you think should have a boyfriend, kids). Also relationships are icky

Deleted user

Suits me fine, thank you. Sexual attraction seems like a hassle and a half.

Honestly it really is though. What I wouldn't give to be demisexual.

I'm demisexual.
It isn't great either.
I mean, I've been super into people who were super into me, but the thought of being sexual with them literally made me want to throw up.
Trying to explain demisexuality to someone is hell.
"sO yOu'Re A nOrMaL pErSoN?"
Because while you might see someone hot and think "I wanna do the yiffy wiffy," I'll see someone hot and think "wow, they're hot." If we get to know each other and have a strong connection/bond, then oh gurl.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Ngl, I hate being demi. I wish I were allosexual. Bc in reality, being demi isn't being "normal". I wish I could have crushes, look at people and think they're hot right of the bat, and join in with my friends when they point out cute people.

@Pickles group

I've largely mastered realizing if someone is "attractive" but there are the occasional outliers of them? really? THEY'RE attractive??

Deleted user

there are the occasional outliers of them? really? THEY'RE attractive??

that's not even an aro thing, I've had those same exact thoughts when meeting my friends' boyfriends

@Pickles group

The thought of Dom, someone infinitely plagued with The Big Straight, pointing out the hotness of a guy is still really weird