forum A Calling for My Fellow Women/NB Feminists
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

That’s right.

Okay so I just wanted a discussion for why you are a Feminist because I, personally, am one. Why? As some of you may know I am very proud of my body, yet society would wrinkle their nose at my unshaven legs, untidy hair, bulky body etc. Not to mention my being petrfied of things like Rape and the “laws” behind it.

This is a FRIENDLY discussion. If you disagree with the points that WILL be brought up, please please PLEASE stay out of this discussion. If this gets too violent/idk bad I will delete this.


Well, I am a feminist because who else is going to stand up to the injustice done to me, my friends, my families, and even my fellow strangers out in the world.
I am absolutely terrified of pregnancy, as in, never would I ever be able to become pregnant ever out of pure fear. I don't mind children, I may even adopt as I get older and have a stable job and life, but I am petrified of becoming pregnant, and will never become so willingly.
No human should hit another human unless it is in their job description or both parties consent (police, boxing, wrestling, kinks, etc.).
"Boys will be boys" shit needs to stop and hold the little turd accountable for his actions for once.
Guys should be allowed to show ALL emotions, not just happy and angry and their variants. Let them cry. Let them be soft.
People should choose what happens to their own bodies and not decide what happens to others (tattoos, abortion, surgery, etc., all up for the individual to decide).


Honestly, I'm scared of pregnancy too. I think it's mostly because of the pain, but it's partly because I don't want the stress of having children, whether I'm ready or not. Same goes for having to carry around a person inside me for nine months, and I feel like with my luck and how life has been for me so far, it'd happen when I'm the least ready or the least prepared or at the most inopportune time.

@Shadow_Knight group

I am a feminist because I pity all the girls that are called fat, ugly, and slut because of there body type. I have a friend who is judged by everyone because she is overweight. She was told she would never have a boyfriend and she still doesn't. She has a loving girlfriend that supports her in anyway possible. I am a feminist because I don't want to have that happen to anyone else.


I am a feminist because we live in a world where anyone who is not white, straight, cis, christian, skinny, male is put down for whatever reason. There are many injustices and humans seem to like to find whatever reason they can to make someone lesser than them. I want there to be equality for me- and everyone else. I want to see a world where I am equal to everyone else and everyone else is equal to others. People should be in control of their own bodies. People should be able to talk about anything they want whenever they want, as long as its not offensive. Everyone should be able to show emotions without fear of being judged. Everyone should e responsible for their own actions and words and everything. I know that I'm young but I also know there are flaws in the society and I know change is needed and I know what changes I want to see.


I'm a feminist, but I don't think I'm the same "type" of feminist as what you're talking about. I believe that the best way to empower women is to wear modest clothing because it shows that we're like diamonds, rare, but beautiful, and it also shows that there's more to us than just our bodies, yet many people say the opposite. I am also very pro-life, the only time a woman should ever be allowed to kill her own child is if her life (not health, life) is in danger, and even then efforts should be made to save both. It's not the woman's body, it's not the woman's right, it's the child's body. Maybe I only think that because I'm a religious person, but I think many of the problems women face can be prevented through their own actions and choices, and just like men have to think through things in order to stay safe, women should too. It just seems like common sense. Maybe I haven't seen enough of the world to understand how serious these problems are, and maybe I'm just an idiot. Feel free to correct or debate anything I say here, I don't mind.


At my church, we had an entire 9-month long thing where every month there was a poster that showed the development of a fetus throughout that month of pregnancy, and it was actually really fascinating. They feel pain more intensely than adults, they have dreams from the 23rd week on, and there's actually a story of a baby born at 16 weeks who, miraculously, survived. Just google it.

Deleted user

Well, I don't really go out of my way to go marching or doing protests. But, I do get into small debates on how women and people with mental illnesses should get the same salary and treatment as men workers.


I don't just stand up for women. I stand up for everyone who's an underdog, or picked on. I stand up for anyone who's walked on, and anyone who's had injustice done to them. This country and many others have some serious prejudice-based issues and it pisses me off.
So I'm with you guys all the way!

Deleted user

Yes that’s perfectly okay. But this thread is about WHY. Not what else you support…


Well, I just wanted to put it out there!
Well, as for why, I've kinda been an underdog my whole life. And seeing how women are treated on the regular really tugs at my heartstrings. So I'll do anything to put women and non-binary people on equal footing with dudes! I haven't gone to any protests because I'm unable to find any in my area, but I punch a lot of smug dicks who are openly sexist.