Brella got to her feet, finding that she could finally stand on her own. "How the hell do you expect me to know? I just woke up!" she said as she walked up the stairs to the cockpit, "I may be a mechanic, but I've not done spacetravel. I'm not one of those pilots who claims to be able to feel the distance in FTL. Which is impossible anyway. Don't fall for that."
She sat down now at the pilot chair, taking in the display. She reoriented herself with the controls, then got right back into it, "A few more minutes. This system Keplar pointed out isn't too far from Presence, where we were before."
"Well, i'm still calling all of ya friends, except Kepler. I still don't trust her." Crisp smiles.
"Sure, Crisp. Ima relax until we land, maybe watch over Kepler." Griffin walks over to Kepler and sits down casually. "I'm taking a short nap. Don't get any ideas, I'm sensitive to sound, and plus, you got Crisp and Brell over there." Griffin points to the two.
Crisp does quick short nod, and goes back to looking at old photos of old friends.
(Yes, did I unintentionally call Kepler a he?)
(Not you. Crisp. I was a little slow.)
"Griffin, I swear to whatever you hold holy," Brella mumbled, "you're the only one still holding her like a prisoner…"
Letting the auto-pilot fly for a while, Brella leaned back in her chair, smiled at Kepler and waved her over. Friends were important, and no matter what she said, she did consider Crisp, Griffin and Kepler to be good allies. It had to stay that way. They were stuck in a big metal brick, and trying to live with a bunch of people you hated in close quarters was understandably hard to do. Giving Kepler some love was the closest Brella could get to bringing them together.
"Mmm, It's what I do best, sweetie" Griffin teases Brella with a smirk on his face. "Besides, what if he decides to pull something on us?" Griffin jokes. "Are we supposed to let him do whatever?"
Brella twitched at 'sweetie,' and for a moment her fingers itched for her gun. Easing her hand, she returned the smile and said, "Then I let your thick metal skull deflect it. With that much space, you've probably got the equivalent of battleship armor in there. Here's three things to keep in mind:" She raised her finger and counted them off, "One, call me sweetie again and I'll toss you out the airlock. Two, We're all in this together, and she's anti-human, just like us. Three, you dropped your pocket."
Both of you hear Crisp giggle in the back.
Griffin flipped her off, with his fingertips sharpened into claws, all the while not looking at her. He turns his head to Brella. "Call me stupid again and I'll do more than just that."
"Both of ya can calm down now. We don't want a fight breaking out in here." Crisp goes back to what he was doing before, humming a peaceful tune.
"Uh-huh… sure" Griffin leans back in his chair and yawns. "Unless you have more to say, or we're already there, Ima take a nap."
Kepler sees the interaction between the three and chuckles quietly. She hoped not to ever be on the other side of that gun ever though. She smiled back before looking to Griffin. "I don't think the best way to watch over me is to sleep right beside me, but hey, you do you, I guess." She said before smirking quickly. "Also, I'm a she." She said, correcting the multiple times they messed up her gender. It wasn't that hard to see but she could care less.
"Seeing as you don't impose a great threat, I'm trusting you not to put a gun to my head. That okay, or must I stare at you until we land?"
"Sorry 'bout that." Crisp says in a apologetic tone
"I'd like not to do the second one." She told Griffin before turning to and nodding her head to signalize that she accepted his apology.
Crisp finishes putting what he needs to put away in their places, and goes to wash off.
"Good, because staring at you would be absolutely boring" Griffin remarks, and he sighs, unable to sleep. "Got anything in your mind for when we do land, Kepler, or are you just winging it?"
Brella sighed and fell back in her chair, "Kepler, is this place of any importance to you?"
The sensors showed they were approaching a mass of large motion signatures. She couldn't tell what, but it was either bits of planet or a large Dominant fleet. Unless the Coalition had pushed this far in the past this month, which was very, very unlikely.
Crisp gets done with washing, and puts clothes back on.
"Yeah, why do you want to go here anyway? Just curious."
"That's not what I'm asking, Crisp. Look."
Brella pulled up the sensor data on a bigger screen. The group crowded around.
"Those are big floating things in space. Whether they're big floating dreadnaughts or big floating bits of planet, I'm not so sure, but either way…."