forum Has anybody read Wings of Fire?
Started by @Your-Humerus

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As soon as we stop screaming over the fact that we've found our people, has anyone else created characters based on the dragon races because they were too lazy to create their own dragon races?

I did! And I have no shame.

Don't ask for pictures, tho, I am a crap drawer.


Hey! I know this forum is dead, but I just wanted to drop by and say that Wings of Fire is my favorite thing??
I've loved it for around five years now aaaa I refuse to grow up! I started reading it when the hidden kingdom wasn't out yet~
I'm not immersed in the fandom or anything, I just really enjoy it <3

It even inspired me enough to make my own dragon-based story!
Not an AU, it's just related in that it's a world of dragons…
But, in that way, I guess you can say I created my own species of fanwings? :)

Anyways, sorry for poking this dead chat – I'll go now. But just saying, ya'll have some great taste imo


Well, I mean, since you poked the sleeping bear, I may as well say that it also inspired me to start smashing influences from this book and a few video games to make my own universe! So many cool ways to implement frickin' DRAGONS!