forum Unlikely Hero Forms a Group of Misfits (CLOSED)
Started by @Kie group

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Mikazu smiled, turning to Hanaka. "I haven't done such a thing, either… I'm a bit nervous, though…"

@Kie group

"We'll be fine," Zaire said, resting her hand on a table and leaning on it. "I believe we're competent enough to survive a little road trip. Might need to stop and grab supplies first though, seeing as it's about a week's journey."

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"A week? That's…gonna be a while, but… I'll go." Mikazu was cautious, but she didn't want to upset her new–were they companions now?

@Kie group

"I uh, think we might want to pick up some preserved foods though? So we don't starve," Zaire said to Hanaka, a nervous smile crossing her face.

She began heading towards the exit, then turned back to the others.

"You all can wait here. I'll be back shortly, just need to pick something up."

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"Okay…" Mikazu was standing close to Hanaka, only from the decision that she enjoyed her around.

@Kie group

Zaire was gone a good while, and came back brandishing a dagger and two sacks of food.

"Right, so this should last us till the next stop! Jam, biscuits, preserved meats, fruit, and vegetables. When it comes to water, we'll have to fill up a flask or something before leaving," she said to her new companions, laying the food sacks down on the table. "I was thinking we could leave early tomorrow, so as to not get caught up in the bustle of others going home or traveling. Any objections?"


Name: Emmeline Fizzle
Age: 18
Gender: female
Sexuality: pan
Race: fae
Appearance: Emmeline has curly light blonde hair that goes to her collarbone. Her eyes are a sea blue-green color and always seem to have a bit of a twinkle to them. Her eyebrows are dramatically arched and fairly thin, and she has a button nose and rosebud lips. Emmeline has a dusting on freckles on her face and shoulders mostly, but has some all over her body. Her ears are slightly pointed, like an elf’s, and her whole appearance is a bit magical and fairy-like. She has a delicate frame and is 5’ 0”. She has high cheekbones and a mischievous smile.
Personality: Despite her pretty, bubbly appearance, Emmeline is what one would call a pessimist. She’s sarcastic, blunt, and even sometimes straight up rude. She can’t resist a challenge or dare, and likes to flirt. She is a bit of a troublemaker and enjoys drama. However, despite the hard edges of her personality, she can be quite kind once you get to know her. She is fiercely loyal and protective of her friends and cares very deeply (even if she won’t admit it).
Any powers?: She has healing powers, which she can use on herself and others. There are limits though. She can’t bring anyone back from the dead and she can’t heal everything (like certain kinds of poison or venom, for example).
Flaws: She can be rude, likes to stir up drama, and is pessimistic. She also is slow to take to people.
Likes/Dislikes: the rain, causing drama, winning things, talking to intelligent people/boring people, heat, spineless people


Name: Jaxxon Kim
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Siren (I was going to make him human but then I had an idea)
Appearance: Jax isn't too tall, his height falling around 5' 11" or 179 cm, and he's pretty slender. He still has some muscle, and it looks like he does too, but he has more of a body type suited to speed and flexibility. Jax has dyed his hair many colors, and right now his hair is a shade called "Voodoo Blue". Throughout all the dyes, though, Jax has kept his hairstyle relatively the same. It's basically that long-ish e-boy hairstyle but with an undercut. His eyes are a golden brown, with long lashes. Basically he's a Korean baby boy with this face. And I know sirens are also technically mermaids, so his tail is actually a deep teal leaning more towards blue. Both with and without the tail, Jax has gills on either side of his neck.
Personality: He's really cocky and sarcastic to hid the fact that he has no self-esteem and no self-confidence. He also struggles with his hero complex and therefore has no self-preservation either. But underneath all of that, behind closed doors, he is baby. He's also a really loyal person and is very scared of spiders
Any powers?: His voice can be used to make people do things, and he's honed it enough that he can make people do whatever he wants.
Flaws: He doesn't know when to stop talking. He apologizes for the littlest of things bc yay anxiety. He's a loyal boi and that can be used against him so, since he's more built for speed rather than strength, he's not as strong as others.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Red, music, loyalty, warmth, trust
Dislikes: s p i d e r s, silence, the color yellow, using his power too much
Other: I think that's it, but I might've missed something.

@Kie group

(Your characters are good to go! I'm gonna post more tomorrow cause it's late for me, but y'all can just jump in if you want for now!)


(thanks! :D)

Emmeline noticed a small group forming a few tables over, raising an eyebrow. Sometimes she wished that she had enhanced hearing so she could eavesdrop more, but it was always better to just involve herself. After a brief moment of indecision, she strutted over to the group. “What are you all ganging up for? Some kind of quest or something?” she asked, glancing around at all of them coolly.

@Kie group

"That-" Zaire began to yell, then froze when she realized how loud her voice was, resuming her answer in a whisper, "Is exactly what we're doing. We are ganging up for a quest."

Zaire took one brief look over Emmeline before speaking again.

"You're fae, aren't you?" she said, a bit of a smirk on her face.


Emmeline’s eyes narrowed as she folded her arms in front of her chest. “Yes, why?” Emmeline asked. “Do you need me on your oh so heroic quest? I will help you, depending on how much you’re offering.”

@Kie group

"Hmm, I just know a fae when I see one, considering I'm not too far off from one myself," Zaire said, humming as she thought out her next sentences. "We don't really need you per se, but if you would like, extra help is always nice, and there will be a reward regardless of what we find. You interested or not, kid?"

Her eyes met with Emmeline's, and an unreadable expression crossed her face as she awaited a response.