forum The New New Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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Suddenly a dark haired young man burst through the door, "Lay off!!" he yelled as a red furred winged wolf charged in, causing the first to leap off a table up to the rafters.


"Hey there, Calix. Long time, no see." said Nellie, finding a seat at the counter. (Imma add to this because of wolf angels etc.) "Oh, dear, a fight already?"

@Knight-Shives group

"Guys. Can we just not. Like calm the F down. Also you better not break anything. We haven't upgraded to non breakable materials yet." Calix said and sighed as he grabbed more glasses out of a box and put them away.

@Shadow_Knight group

After realizing the girl had no interest, she turned her attention to the bartender. "Just a water for now." She said as she floated over to Luck. "Nervous much~?" She taunted to him.

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Firiko, (Red furred winged wolf) shifted to human form, (Haircolor=furcolor, wings stay, otherwise normal human) "Give it back Damian!!" he demanded, leaping up and landing on a beam just across from him.
Damian sighed tossing him something before jumping down. "Jungle rat"

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Firiko laughed, "Oh shut up Shadow Runt" upon finishin the taunting nickname he was enveloped in a shadow whip.
"Didn't Luma warn you not to call me that??" growled Damian angrily.

@Knight-Shives group

Calix looked over at the fight. "I don't condone fights. If you wish to kill people at least have the decency to do it somewhere with no witnesses and not in a public place either."


Luck tried to bristle. "No! I'm fine! I want water too!" He declared to the bartender. He patted his curly blonde hair self-consciously, glancing around twice.

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"I'm not going to kill him" said Damian, dropping Firiko. Firiko managed to grab a beam and pull himself back up with a huff.
"I tend to avoid that, besides if I killed him my uncle would kill me, not to mention his siblings." continued Damian with a shudder as he settled down in a random chair.
Firiko glanced down, "Scared of my brother are you?" he asked.
"No I'm scared of your sister" he retorted.

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"It's a simple cousin to cousin disagreement" said Damian, "now can somebody other than the feathered wacko, get me somethin' to drink, anything at all I don't care"

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Water is probably best" said Damian with a sigh, "Who knows what it'll be like heading back out."

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Firiko glided down to a corner, "Or I can just come down here"

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Firiko warped back up to the rafters, shifting to wolf form as he settled in.

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Damian yawned, "So what do you guys do around here?" he asked boredly.