forum The New Fantasy Tavern (Isn't blown UP)
Started by @Knight-Shives group

people_alt 35 followers


"That's okay," Bane said. "I'm still working on it."
He considers Lorreth, Basil and Calix and puts it simply. "Who are you?"

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth grins.
“I’m Lorreth Krio, former leader of the Sharpgem Clan, until the clan was destroyed. Highly trained in assassination techniques and rogue styles. Don’t mess with me. You are?”

@Knight-Shives group

"I am Calix. An angel, trained to destroy and kill. But I am also a bartender who has to listen to people's life stories and feeling all the time." Calix replied.

@Darkblossom group


Welcome to the tavern, where people from what are called fantasy worlds can go and be themselves. Magic is allowed here and can be used here.
(This is the newer more improved tavern, has explosion proof flooring.)

That was you, @Shiver.