forum The New Fantasy Tavern (Isn't blown UP)
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@Darkblossom group

Lorreth looks at the cup of marshmallows wonderingly. “What are these? I’ve never seen a…marshmallow before. They look like mini clouds.” She pokes the top, and puts one in her mouth. “These are good!” Continues eating them.

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Zephen walked into the tavern, slid into a stool, and greeted Valid as an old friend.

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(Sorry I wasn't active in the original Fantasy tavern, I got really busy)

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth’s head snapped to where Bane was, a dagger appearing seemingly out of nowhere. She quickly relaxed again, and sheathed her dagger.
“Some people will do crazy things for attention.”

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Basil stood and crossed the room over to Bane, holding up one hand protectively. "Hey, if you want attention, there's other places to get it."


Bane stared around in surprise. He had not expected anyone to still be alive. After all, everyone he knew had suffocated in the Great Tavern Explosion. "I'm…sorry. I'm new."