forum Monster x Monster hunter thing // Reboot // 0/0 // Open
Started by @Shadow_Knight group

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"Fuuuck…." Sid hissed through his teeth, sinking further down against the wall, only propped up with a single elbow. His head tipped back, his eyes squeezed shut in pain, and Sid couldn't think about anything but his injuries. He knew that being here wasn't safe, but he literally could not stand up. Sid felt like he was either going to pass out, vomit, or both.

@Shadow_Knight group

Sage eventually found Sid tucked in on himself. She crouched down next to him, looking over him. He was definitely human, but what was he doing around here?
"What are you doing around here, human?" She asked, as she looked over all of his wounds.


"Fuckin' Christ-!" Sid yelped, scrambling away from Sage the best that he could. It was really only two or three feet away. It took him a second to register that this girl crouched down next to him was a monster. Werewolf, probably. "Jesus.." He sucked in a breath, trying to apply pressure to his wounds again. "None of your goddamn business."

@Shadow_Knight group

"Well I'd say it is." Sage responded as she stood up and walked over to him again. She didn't seem to be a threat at the moment. "You're in my packs territory." She informed him, leaning slightly on one leg, looking a bit bored with a hint of curiosity. "You're luck I found you and not someone else."


"Oh- oh, yeah, like I haven't been fuckin' found by someone else already!" Sid spat, trying to rub the blood away from his nose again. "God damn." He was clearly in leagues of pain. "But– fuck, wait, God, I knew it. Goddammit. Picked up by a werewolf. What're you gonna do, eat me? C'mon."

@Shadow_Knight group

Sage raised an eyebrow. "Eat you?" She asked, a small grin spreading across her face. "How much do you actually know about werewolves?" She asked as she crouched down next to him, again.


"Enough." Sid snarled. He tried to move away again, but was unable to this time. "Ow-" Sid whined, searing pain shooting through his like a bullet. "I know enough, okay?" He snapped back. Sid moved his hand to fumble for his knife- a big, silver thing- just in case.

@Shadow_Knight group

Sage stared at Sid for a bit before sighing. "You're hurt and if anyone else in my pack finds you, they're going to kill you." She said before scooping Sid up in her arms. "I'm taking you to my place. I'll patch you up."


Sid was surprisingly light. He thrashed for a little bit, but gave up on fighting against Sage within seconds. He really just didn't have the energy to keep going. "You're talkin' like you're not gonna kill me too." He muttered, rubbing his eyes with the cleanest part of his hand. Then again, he was completely covered in dirt and blood, so they weren't really clean.

@Shadow_Knight group

Sage sighed. "I have no intentions of killing you at the moment." She told him as they walked down the alleyway. "How did you get torn up anyways?"


"Buncha werewolves." Sid was half walking, half stumbling. "Came up and jumped me. Basically tore me apart." He hissed. "What else would it be?"

@Shadow_Knight group

"I was just curious." She said as she twisted her way through the back streets. Thankfully it was late enough that barely anyone was out, and if anyone was, the didn't pay attention to Sage or Sid. "So what's your name?"


"Yeah. Whatever." Sid grunted. He was staring at the ground, mostly, trying not to fall. "I don't wanna tell you my name if I don't know yours. Tell me your name first 'n we'll see." He narrowly missed tripping on a smashed cardboard box on the ground. "Oh, for f-"

@Shadow_Knight group

Sage caught him before he went tumbling over. "Do you need my to carry you?" She asked as she helped right himself on his feet. "At least hold onto me." She advised.
"My name is Sage. Yes, like the herb." She introduced.


"I'm gonna to punch you in the throat if you try to carry me." Truth be told, yes. Sid definitely couldn't walk on his own at that moment. Sid gripped onto her arm, still doing his best to stay upright. "Cool. Great. My name's Sid. Like that dude on Toy Story. Or the Sex Pistols. Or wherever else has a fuckin' guy named Sid."

@Shadow_Knight group

Sage chuckled. "I'd like to see you try in this state. You'd probably end up killing yourself!" She pointed out as they neared a building that Sage seemed to be heading to.


"Yeah." Sid took a few moments to get his legs working properly again. "Just, like– before we get there. You live alove? 'Cause I'm not tryna get.. like.. killed by someone. Y'know."