forum Monster x Monster hunter thing // Reboot // 0/0 // Open
Started by @Shadow_Knight group

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@Shadow_Knight group

My first one died because the person I was RPing with left Notebook but I still really want to do this!

Vampire x Vampire hunter
Werewolf x Werewolf hunter
You get the gist. I've been craving this recently for some reason. I have several ideas and it doesn't just have to be any of the monsters I listed. It could be a Dragon, Demons, Siren, Fairy, Shapeshifter, or Witch.
I'd prefer to be the monster but it's up to you.


If you’re wanting to be the monster, I don’t mind being the hunter! I think I have a couple characters I could use, honestly, lmao

@Shadow_Knight group


  1. The Hunter catches the Monster but doesn't kill them right away (for a reason the hunter will decide).
  2. Reverse. The Monster catches the hunter but doesn't kill them (also for reasons the monster decides).
  3. The Monster and the Hunter are friends, with neither of them knowing what the other is, only to find out when one of the is caught.
  4. The Monster finds the Hunter hurt/unconscious and decides to help them because they don't know much about (race that the hunter is) and their curious.
    We can totally mix and expand upon these but here are the basic ideas.


I’m a fan of werewolves, honestly! And yeah, a template would be dope! Got any preference in pairing (MxM, MxW, WxW, etc..?)


(Alright, rad. I’ll get my character up soon! I may have to wait until tomorrow because it’s late here, but hopefully not!)


Name: Sid Moore
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi, female preference
Appearance: Sid’s tall and skinny, more of a 6’2” twig. He’s pale, almost sickly so, with a large greek nose and sunken, dark circles under his eyes. Sid’s hair is a faded black, no doubt from faded out dye. His face has multiple piercings- tongue, nose bridge, eyebrow, and three nose rings (one per nostril and one septum), and Sid’s ears are decked out in different piercings as well. He keeps his hair in a buzzcut as much as he can (though at the moment it’s a little more grown out, kinda in that awkwardly puffy stage).

Attire: His fashion screams 80s punk. Pants are fairly loose around the legs, usually denim, shoes are sturdy utility boots. As for shirts- Sid keeps it simple with either band tees or just a simple white shirt. The most elaborate part of his outfits is his battle jacket- this one is a worn out leather jacket, where the studs and patches were attached by hand. It fits pretty loose, like a lot of his clothes.

Other: Sid lives in an apartment with his roommate and his roommate’s girlfriend- who he regularly gets into heated arguments with. He is considering moving out.
Sid has a pet cat: a white kitten named Jello, who he picked up off of the street. The cat has three legs, missing its front left leg.

@Shadow_Knight group

Name: Sage Silvar
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi, female preference
Appearance: Sage is built and stands at a good 6'4, which is surprising short for a werewolf. She keeps her dark brown hair in a short pixie cut so it can't get caught in stuff or get in her eyes. She had piercing silver eyes. Scars litter her body from fights with other werewolves as well as hunters.
Attire: Most of Sages outfits are meant to comfortable and practical. She wears black combat book with camo cargo pants, with a black long sleeve shirt underneath a green army jacket. Some of the outfit does clash with each other but she doesn't care. She also wears a dog tag, a way to show which pack she is in.
Other: Werewolves have two forms. Wolf and human. In their wolf form they look completely like a wolf, but slightly bigger. In human form they are quicker, and stronger than regular humans. They have to be in a wolf for during the full moon though.


(Aye, Sage is dope! Just to clarify the setting again, sorry- where is this? Roughly? City or small town? I assume America, but I could be wrong?)

@Shadow_Knight group

(I was envisioning a large city where monsters are present, but not liked or on the good side of the law because of most monsters chaotic nature. Monsters would probably live in a more run down side of town. Does that help?)


(Yeah, that works! I'm probably gonna stick Sid on that side too, for multiple reasons, lmao. Do you want to write up the starter, or should I?)

@Shadow_Knight group

Sage shivered at a cool breeze, pulling her coat closer to her as she trudged through a mostly abandoned part of the city. Most people in these part were other monsters, not many hunters daring to get too close to this part of town because of the high population of monsters. She was out on a late walk to try to clear her head. Some of her pack had gotten in a fight with a hunter today, several severely injured but thankfully none dead. They had wounded the hunter as well, but they weren't sure if he was dead or not.


Sid grunted in pain, back pressed up against the grimy brick wall of an alleyway. He was sunk down, knees pressed up to his chest, hand pressed up to a bleeding wound on his side. This sucked. He gritted his teeth and sucked in a sharp breath. He was covered in bruises, scratches and scrapes, a bite or two, and it felt like there was a broken rib tossed into the mix. Fucking werewolves. He used his free hand to rub dripping hot blood away from his nose, smearing it across his cheek. Sid could barely stand, he was so dizzy. Last time he tried, maybe half an hour before, he nearly passed out and cracked his head on the concrete.

@Shadow_Knight group

Sage was about to head back when she smelled blood. Lots of it. Something in her gut told her to find what ever it was. Part of it was probably the primal wolf side of her, wanting to find food, but another part of her was just curious. She sped up her walking.
The scent of blood was almost over powering at this point. It seemed to be leading to an alleyway. Sage slipped around the corner, sniffing the air and trying to pin point where the smell was coming from.