forum Lovebirds are gross, but You're the exception (Closed) (1/1)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

" No not really, they think they own you…especially when you practice magic…." She stopped and her eyes widened. " I've said too much."

Deleted user

"Magic? I know some magic myself…" He stated. He wanted to show it off some.

Deleted user

She looked at him shocked. next thing you know, glistening butterflies fluttered around them. " I bet you can control your magic though…"

Deleted user

"Yeah…" He said, turning into a dragon. He was a small dragon, with green scales and white wings.

Deleted user

She turned into a unicorn, her burn on her back, almost like a star. " Woah…You look so…"

Deleted user

" No, really cute." She blushed. She leaned towards his face.

Deleted user

He, like most 15 year old boys, was oblivious. He flew around Elizabeth

Deleted user

She just wanted to look at his eyes, Transforming back into her human form.

Deleted user

He looked at her, and transformed again. Someone, who we don't know the name of, saw.
"Your eyes…" He stated, staring into them

Deleted user

She Looked away, " yeah ik… the mark for being exiled…'

Deleted user

"No… your eyes are beautiful…" He said, leaning forward to look at them

Deleted user

"Yes…" he looked at her. "More beautiful than the sunset…"

Deleted user

"I just… I don't know why I feel this things… what do they call it… 'emotions'? It's so confusing… but I wanna feel like you're the thing that makes me smile… 'happy' as commoners call it."

Deleted user

He looked shocked.
"… What… just happened?" That had never happened with a cute girl before.

Deleted user

She pushed herself away. " I just kissed the prince…" She said in a panicked voice.

Deleted user

"I… enjoyed that." He said, kissing her back.
I'm kissing a commoner!!

Deleted user

She kissed back, it felt so warm and soft.
I don't wanna stop

Deleted user

Her lips were softer than cotton.
"Miss, your lips are so soft~" He flirted

Deleted user

She pulled away, catching her breath. She saw the sunlight peak through a window, hearing the footsteps of her sister approaching.

Deleted user

"I should leave… meet me here tomorrow night, 'kay?" He said, leaving