forum Lovebirds are gross, but You're the exception (Closed) (1/1)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

She sighed and sat on her scrap bed. " Why would someone like yourself wanna talk to a lowlife reject like me?"

Deleted user

"Because your beauty surpasses the break of dawn, surpasses even the most beautiful flower, the shiniest metal."

Deleted user

She was blushing, " No one else thinks that of me. They think I'm a disgrace to the Horndog name…"

Deleted user

"Why do they think that, my dear?" He said, dropping the formalities.

Deleted user

She looked around and turned her back to show her burn mark. " Because they think i'm marked by the evil…"

Deleted user

"The Evil Star of the South?" He asked, shocked.
(OOC: Just go with it.)

Deleted user

She nodded and pulled her shirt back down. " My sister has ever since done nothing but use me as her servant"

Deleted user

"That sucks…" He said, hating that.
"Sorry for scaring you earlier.."

Deleted user

"Tell me about yourself…" He said, changing the subject. It was a cold March night, but it felt warm in the barn.

Deleted user

She sighed, " well for one , I am the youngest of my family, and being the youngest means I have to take over after my sister marries …."

Deleted user

"But your sister said you were exiled…" He questioned, confused

Deleted user

" yeah, but due to that, i instantly lost that right… so i'm treated as badly as the servants.."

Deleted user

"That sucks… My father treats his servants with respect and honor…" He said, trying to contrast the two kingdoms.

Deleted user

She sighed and kicked the ground. " We always, were scared of Lovebirds."

Deleted user

" There is a story about how lovebirds and horndogs used to be friends, but love birds would force horndogs to make them love potions from the tree of love.."

Deleted user

"You mean the story of the Platinum Star?" He said. "Mother used to read me that for a bed time story…"

Deleted user

"Something about The Olden Tree?" He said.
"Like, Lovebirds and Horndogs alike used to fall in love under the tree or something?"

Deleted user

" Yeah.." She replied, noticing his beautiful multi colored eyes.

Deleted user

He somehow looked cuter in the faint moonlight.
"I never told you about me, did I?" He stated

Deleted user

She shook her head no. Her eyes glistened in the moonlight and her hair perfectly placed.

Deleted user

"Well, I am the prince of Lovebird, I'm an only child, and I have lots of suitresses… but none of them compare to you…" He muttered the last part.

Deleted user

She blushes, scooting closer. " Man that's gotta be nice, being the only child."

Deleted user

"Yeah…" He stated. He hated being a only child.
"It musta been nice to have a sibling…" He retorted.
her lips look very soft he noticed.