forum Looking to ship my new character!
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@Darkblossom group

Lorreth watched, mildly impressed at the magic. What was strange to her was how he didn’t seem to need an external source to cast the spell. If she tried doing something similar to what he had done just now, she would be passed out on the floor.

Deleted user

Baylee weaved his way through the crowd and slipped back behind the bar, cracking his knuckles as everyone got back to their drinking again. He glanced over at Lorreth and flashed a small grin before attending a drunk group of girls hollering for more drinks.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth grinned back at Baylee, beginning to like him more and more. Muscled, good fighter, playful, just like the boys back home, she thought to herself, with a tinge of sadness at the memory of home. At least she still had Gregory and little Cliff, though she would never admit that she actually was happy to have them around.

Deleted user

"Daw, shit." Baylee's voice could be heard over the din of the bar. "Anybody have Darrel's wife's number? He's passed out again."
There were a few chuckles from the bar as someone raised up their telephone. 15 minutes later a very unhappy middle aged woman entered the bar, and together the both got a bald man up onto his feet and into the woman's car.

Deleted user

Baylee walked over to her table, smiling. "Need a refill, or no?"

@Darkblossom group

“No, I don’t want to get too drunk tonight, I have to meet up with some people later.” Her words slurred together slightly. Under the veil of vodka, Baylee was starting to look much more attractive.

Deleted user

(Hey, he ain't that ugly, imao)
He shrugged, picking up the glass as he began to walk away.
"It's on the house," he said with a wink, walking back behind the bar and dumping the extra ice from the cup into the sink.

Deleted user

He began wiping out the glass as a girl walked up to the bar and set her elbows on the counter, grinning over at Baylee and starting a conversation with his as he worked. it was blindingly obvious that she was hitting on him, but he showed no signs of returning it as he poured drinks and cleaned up.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth stared angrily at the girl hitting on Baylee, and, taking a deep breath, walked up to the counter, turning the charm all the way up. She leaned low against the counter, shot a death glare towards the girl, and began speaking sweetly to Baylee.
“So, what’s your name, sir?” She said, her voice like honey. She knew how to get a man, and she also knew how to scare other women.
(Okay, so if I write something awkward and stupid that’s because I am under 18 and have zero experience with relationships. Don’t judge, just tell me where I went wrong and roll with it.)

Deleted user

(I'm the same way, don't worry)
The girl flinched at such a hateful glaree, scooting a few inches away from Lorreth and frowning.
"Baylee Nguyễn," he said, glancing up at Lorreth for a moment before refilling a cup from a tap. The 'Nguyễn' was pronounced like 'win,' clearly an East Asian name, which was odd since he looked American to the bone.

Deleted user

He handed the cup to the other woman, who walked off dejectedly while staring down at her feet. Baylee turned his attention back to Lorreth with a grin. "Interesting name. I like it."

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth grinned too, though this time it was almost suggestive. She continued talking to Baylee, obviously flirting with him. Lorreth was used to just being able to pick and choose who she slept with, without having to work for it, but it was interesting to be forced to try for once, and actually get to know the boy.
(I’m just gonna not specify the flirty conversation as Lorreth will be infinitely better at it than me. Let’s just say, her intentions are obvious.)

Deleted user

Time seemed to fly as the conversation continued, spotted with little breaks when Baylee had to break up a fight or serve a table. While he didn't blow her off, his interest was dulled slightly by the knowledge that she was drunk. He'd usually be ecstatic, but beer goggles often lead poor innocent guys like himself on, so he tried to keep his distance the best he could.
But, hot damn, she was fucking beautiful.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth was good at reading people. Baylee seemed hesitant, but she wasn’t that worried. She just needed to figure out a smooth way to ask. Or wait for him to do so first. She doubted her chances of that happening though. Baylee didn’t strike her as the kind of guy to ask a girl to sleep with him, no matter how hot she was.

Deleted user

After a few more minutes, Baylee looked at his wristwatch and cursed.
"Last call!" he called out to the rapidly thinning bar, rubbing his face as a few more people walked up to the bar and ordered their last drinks for the night.
"Just gimme a second," he said to Lorreth as he grabbed three cups and turned to the tap machine.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth took the opportunity to think of a good way to pose the question. She wasn’t used to this part, normally she could just be like ‘Boy, you sleep with me tonight,’ and they wouldn’t have a choice. “So, Baylee, earlier when I asked you…want to reconsider?” She smiles suggestively, pouring every ounce of charm and desire she could into that one expression.

Deleted user

He paused mid-wipe, hesitation evident throughout all of his body language. His mind was screamning Yes! Yes! Yes! but he couldn't bring himself to say it.
"Look." he sighed, setting the rag aside. "You are dropdead gorgeous. Like, you're quite possibly the prettiest girl I've ever met. But….I'm not one for one night stands, and you're drunk. You probably wouldn't bat an eye at me if you were sober."

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth sighed.
“First of all, I’m not that drunk, plus, I am like this basically every time I meet a somewhat good-looking guy. Trust me, this is hardly the first time I’ve tried this with someone, and 60% percent of the time I’m not drunk. I am rambling right now though, which is not a good sign. And I need to stop talking.” Lorreth took a moment to compose herself, trying to avoid drunk rambling. “But if you don’t want to, then fine. Not my problem. See you around, Baylee.” Lorreth was attempting to hide how disappointed she was, but the alcohol was dampening her normally very good instincts, and she walked away glumly, a hand resting on the hilt of a short sword.

Deleted user

Baylee turned away from Lorreth and went back to cleaning the bar, frowning heavily. No matter how stupid he felt, he knew it was the right decision to make.
"Daw, shit," felt like a reoccurring event, but this time it truly was deserved.
3 men walked through the door, their jackets bulky with obvious body armor and a wide assortment of weapons at their disposal.
"You're comin' with us, Nguyễn," the gruffest one said. "Don't make us use force, boy."
"The hell you are," he growled, ducking under the bar just as they decided to open fire with their guns, tearing everything to shit, including Baylee's cover. Yet, the guy stood up after everything settled, a bullethole on the right-hand side of his hoodie. He looked down at the shirt and reached into the hole, pulling out a flattened bullet from his shirt.
"Ow!" he said, throwing it to the floor. "You fuckers shot me!"
They didn't look surprised as all three drew swords of different lengths, widths, and weights.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth stopped as the three men walked through and began shooting things. She quickly ducked for cover, hoping that Gregory and Cliff wouldn’t be arriving anytime soon. She saw Baylee stand, a bullet hole in his jacket but him unharmed. She wondered at what type of magic he had to be using to make that happen. She crept up behind a bystander, and used the hilt of her dagger to whack their head, knocking them out. “Sorry stranger, gonna need to get my edge back,” she whispered, touching their hand and drawing their life essence for her spell. She used the magic to clear her head and get rid of the drunkenness, her fighting instincts coming back instantly. She stood and unsheathed her double short swords, ready to fight if need be.

Deleted user

Baylee growled, his body shaking once again. In an instant, the 3 fell to the ground with their throats slit. He stood a few feet away from them, a bloodstained butter knife gripped in his left hand and studying the red splotch on his white hoodie.
"Daw, shit," he mumbled, "Now I gotta leave town again." He didn't seem to terribly concerned, however.

@Darkblossom group

Lorreth looked at Baylee, really wishing he hadn’t turned her down. At that moment, a man that looked to be in his early 20s, followed closely by a young boy who was about seven or eight, walked into the bar. Lorreth calmly stepped to them, ignoring the three men laying on the floor.