forum Looking to ship my new character!
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Deleted user

(He's not the type of person to fight over a girl he met the night before. You gotta find a way to get into his heart)

@Darkblossom group

(Well, Lorreth has a few tricks up her sleeve, let’s just see if I can figure out what they are…) “So Baylee, what’s the plan now?”

Deleted user

"We keep moving. I'm wanted for murder at this point, so we can't let the police catch up." He turned to them, ignoring the fact that Lorreth and Gregory were so close. "But, if they do, you say I kidnapped you for your car. You'll get off scot free and wont need to worry about the 5-0 again."

@Darkblossom group

“Cool. Let’s go.” Lorreth walked out of the hotel room after strapping on her daggers and short swords, followed closely by Gregory. Cliff walked beside Baylee.

Deleted user

"Hey….Cliff?" Baylee asked hesitantly, still looking straight ahead.

Deleted user

"…What's going on with Lorreth and Gregory? Are they married, or….." he trailed off, scratching the back of his head.

@Darkblossom group

Cliff nodded in understanding.
“No, Command Krio and Dad aren’t married. Dad won’t tell me specifics until I’m older, but he says that they aren’t in a relationship and have never been, even though Command Krio is my mother.” Cliff says this with a slight hint of his own confusion, as if this was a question he had puzzled over himself many times.

Deleted user

"Friends with benefits," he said knowingly, then ruffled Cliff's hair. "Thanks, kiddo."

@Darkblossom group

Cliff smiled in response. He seemed like a very cheerful kid for someone who was partially raised by Lorreth. Gregory always had thought that Cliff would turn out emotionally scarred.

Deleted user

"Sorry for, uh, killing 5 people in your presence," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "Probably wasn't the best way to introduce myself."

@Darkblossom group

"I've seen dead bodies before, I've learned to just not think about it." He says this with a slight shudder, pushing gory images to the back of his mind.

Deleted user

"Good kid….I think?" It was all very confusing to him.

Deleted user

"We have to get a new rental," he called up to the other two. "They saw what car we have, and are probably on the lookout for it now."

@Darkblossom group

“Hey Baylee, we need to meet up with someone today. Do you mind a small detour?” Lorreth stands next to Baylee, her arms crossed in front of her.

Deleted user

"Depends on the person," he admitted. "And how important they are."

@Darkblossom group

“Very. He’s gonna help me, Cliff and Gregory get back home.” Gregory frowns to himself has Lorreth speaks, and Cliff grins excitedly, remembering who it was.

Deleted user

"Very important, then," he agreed. "Seems legit. I'm fine with it."

@Darkblossom group

(Well, sad that you deleted your account, and I can't even remember your name. But it was fun while it lasted, and let me say that a character based off Baylee is a permanent fixture in Lorreth's book, and Lorreth also got a lot less dirty over the years. Its fun to come back and see how all my characters grew so much over time :)