forum In Our Dreams
Started by @Darkblossom group

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@Darkblossom group

Lorrehlyl(the woman) noticed the dark magic, and seemed even more confused. She was about to ask a question, but a terrible laugh resounded throughout the forest, making her eyes widen in fear. A creature jumps down from the trees. It is roughly humanoid, but walks with its legs bent in a squat. It is covered in red scales and swirls with white fire, and two blacked horns jut from its head.


(To Farad)
The small dragon hears Farad and snaps her head around, clarity filling her sad, reptilian purple eyes. The bright blue blood dripping off of the older dragon seeps across the ground, a trail covering the young one’s claws.
“Can you hear her? She cries for death,” it said in a distinctly feminine voice.

"I-" Farad's voice came out as barely a whisper, scratchy from disuse. "I can hear her. I- is she in pain? Should I..?" He pulls his coat tightly around his shoulders, worry and a hint of fear showing in his voice. "Should I listen to her cry? Should I..?"

@Darkblossom group

The dragon’s head drooped sadly.
“No. You will not understand her cries. Only I can make out the olden dragon tongue. Only I can understand what she said.” The dragon lifts its head again, seemingly not noticing as purple flames began licking at the blood around her claws. She stared at the older dragon as it slowly stopped thrashing, and it’s cries faded. It heaved one last breath, and was still.


The dragon’s head drooped sadly.
“No. You will not understand her cries. Only I can make out the olden dragon tongue. Only I can understand what she said.” The dragon lifts its head again, seemingly not noticing as purple flames began licking at the blood around her claws. She stared at the older dragon as it slowly stopped thrashing, and it’s cries faded. It heaved one last breath, and was still.

Farad let his arms fall to his sides. He felt a bit helpless, he wasn't sure what he should do.
"Is there anything I can do to help? At all? Just- anything. I can try to help-!"


Lorrehlyl(the woman) noticed the dark magic, and seemed even more confused. She was about to ask a question, but a terrible laugh resounded throughout the forest, making her eyes widen in fear. A creature jumps down from the trees. It is roughly humanoid, but walks with its legs bent in a squat. It is covered in red scales and swirls with white fire, and two blacked horns jut from its head.

Aza shrieked and thrust out her hands; the magic circled the beast, causing it to erupt in flames.

@Darkblossom group

The dragon stared at the sky, then let out an ear piercing screech as she went up in purple flames. She ran over to the large dragon, tears falling down her scaly black muzzle. She pressed herself against the older dragon, not caring about the blue blood coating every inch of the creature.

@Darkblossom group

(To Aza)
The creature ignored Aza. It was already covered in flames, and more fire did nothing to even faze it.
“Hello again, mortal. How is that dark man doing now?” it asked, a toothy grin plastered on its face. Lorrehlyl flinched at this comment.
“Shut up, demon.”


The dragon stared at the sky, then let out an ear piercing screech as she went up in purple flames. She ran over to the large dragon, tears falling down her scaly black muzzle. She pressed herself against the older dragon, not caring about the blue blood coating every inch of the creature.

Farad stood helpless, still a few feet away, hovering awkwardly. He had never been good at comfort, this was no exception. He could only stand and watch, feeling incredibly, horribly useless.

@Darkblossom group

(To Farad)
The scene slowly faded away, but the young dragon remained, sobbing uncontrollably. She grew in size, now towering over Farad as his surroundings melted into a room made of tan bricks. An old, humanoid, black-skinned creature lay in a bed in front of the dragon, his skin wrinkled and leathery.


(To Farad)
The scene slowly faded away, but the young dragon remained, sobbing uncontrollably. She grew in size, now towering over Farad as his surroundings melted into a room made of tan bricks. An old, humanoid, black-skinned creature lay in a bed in front of the dragon, his skin wrinkled and leathery.

Farad whipped around, taking in his surroundings. As he saw the towering dragon in front of him, he threw his hands in front of his face in defense. Then, upon seeing the humanoid creature, he slowly let his guard down, and approached the bed.

@Darkblossom group

The dragon sat by the humanoid creature, her eyes filled with sorrow. She bent her head down so the creature could whisper something in her ear, something Farad couldn’t make out. The creature sat back and closed its eyes, heaving one last breath before falling limp.


The pure sorrow in the dragon's eyes was enough to make tears begin to form in Farad's eyes. He held his breath, unable or unwilling to disturb the moment. He stood still as a statue, tears beginning to drip down his cheeks.

@Darkblossom group

The dragon pressed her snout into the old creature’s body, eyes closed as she cried silently. The scene faded one last time, and the room with the bubbles appeared once more. The girl in Farad’s bubble was still asleep, twitching fitfully.

@Darkblossom group

"What's happening? Where am I?"

The demon turned to Aza, still grinning as it examined her.
“I see you are not a creation of Astrice. What are you doing here?” The creature remained grinning, but its expression was much more menacing this time. Lorrehlyl began backing away from the demon slowly.


The dragon pressed her snout into the old creature’s body, eyes closed as she cried silently. The scene faded one last time, and the room with the bubbles appeared once more. The girl in Farad’s bubble was still asleep, twitching fitfully.

Farad simply stood staring at the girl in the bubble for a few moments, tears still leaking from his eyes. Then, slowly, he backed away, weaving between the bubbles. For as far as he could see, there was either only bubbles, or darkness. It was not comforting to think that he was alone here, so he moved between the bubbles, looking for someone else awake. As he passed one, he accidentally brushed against it.

@Darkblossom group

The area faded away again, and this time Farad appeared in a forest. The ground seemed to be made of a soft white cloud-like substance, and the trees were like redwoods but with bluish bark and huge magenta leaves. A creature stood not far off. It was like a snake with legs, as in if it’s legs were cut off it would literally be a snake, and had green scales and brown stripes.


"What's happening? Where am I?"

The demon turned to Aza, still grinning as it examined her.
“I see you are not a creation of Astrice. What are you doing here?” The creature remained grinning, but its expression was much more menacing this time. Lorrehlyl began backing away from the demon slowly.

Aza cocked her head. "Astrice? What are you talking about?"

@Darkblossom group

The demon turned to Lorrehlyl, ignoring Aza.
“Master requires new blood. Kill this mortal.” With that the demon jumped into a tall tree, only its bright, cat like green eyes visible.


The area faded away again, and this time Farad appeared in a forest. The ground seemed to be made of a soft white cloud-like substance, and the trees were like redwoods but with bluish bark and huge magenta leaves. A creature stood not far off. It was like a snake with legs, as in if it’s legs were cut off it would literally be a snake, and had green scales and brown stripes.

Farad quietly moved towards the creature, staying behind the cover of the trees.