forum [I've got title block]
Started by @croccin-champagne

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“Indeed, Merlin’s School of Magic.” Damian replied, his eyes scanning the dark waters. “And you are in search of adventure if I recall correctly.” He murmured, a gleam in his eyes as he spotted a fin cutting through the surface of the water like a knife carving through melted butter.


Canary huffed a laugh, leaning just a bit far enough over the railing to be worrying, searching the water for signs of a pod. "Always have been, but yes. This is officially the farthest I've been from home, except for one time, and it's exhilarating."

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Damian didn’t get the chance to respond, cut off by the call of a whale. ”Hello?” It’s gentle voice sent a haunting echo over the water as it surfaced, coming close to the ship.

“Miss! Miss, be careful!” Damian was practically scrambling over the rail, precariously balanced on the edge.


"Damian!" Catori reached up before she could stop herself, grabbing the back of his shirt to keep him from tipping over. "Who are you talking to?" She looked over the railing, following his gaze and only looking more confused as she caught sight of the whale.

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Damian sighed in relief as the whale drifted a bit further away from the ship. “Sorry, Lady Catori, She was in danger of hitting the ship. Are you okay, Miss?”

The haunting ”yes…” breached across the water and Damian clambered back onto the safety of the deck.


Catori released his shirt, nodding as she watched the whale disappear under the surface, returning the stars to their place. "That's good? I've got to insist you stop calling me Lady though."

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“My apologies, Miss Catori.” Damian replied swiftly, completely missing her point as he smoothed out his shirt.


Catori sighed, shaking her head as she took a step back. "Just Catori works. Anything more makes me feel like an impostor." She leaned back against the railing, eyes on the stars now.

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“Are you married? If so, my deepest apologies. I didn’t mean to offend, I didn’t see a ring so I assumed you were a maiden, but it is understandable that you shouldn’t want to lose sometching so priceless at sea.” Damian, oblivious as always, gazed at her worriedly, his mouth flattened out into a stressed line.


Catori blinked, eyes widening as she looked down at him. "Wha-no no no. I just-" She shook her head, finding herself at a bit of a loss for words suddenly. "I'm not married. It just feels too formal to me."

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“Too formal?” Damian paused in the middle of fixing his hair, confused by the concept. “I meant you no discomfort if I overstepped my boundaries Lady—ahem um… Catori.” He narrowed his eyes in confusion, trying to adjust to this. “I was aware that some do not like their titles presented to them.”


"That's just the thing." Catori said with a laugh, raising an eyebrow at his confusion. "I don't really have a title. Unless you've got one for commoner. You didn't overstep anything, don't worry."

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Damian bit back a protest with a nod. “If you wish, Catori.” He went back to smoothing out his hair, testing her name out on his tongue.


Catori's smile brightened as he managed to say her name, without an added title. "Thank you." She watched him fiddle with his hair a moment, before speaking back up. "What are you doing?"

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“Me?” Damian’s face grew a little flushed as he realized he’d asked a stupid question. “The salt from the ocean water tends to rouse my hair into revolution against me.” He smiled a bit stiffly, giving up on his hair out of embarrassment.


"It looks fine, you know." Catori said, studying his hair for a moment before looking back at the sky. She was smiling, a bit amused. "If it makes you feel better, the salt doesn't do anyone's hair any favors."

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Damian pawed at his hair once or twice more before giving up. “It is rather unbearable, I must admit. I miss baths.” He sighed, gazing at the open ocean in front of them.


"Too bad it's not long enough to braid." Catori mused, playing with the pendant of her necklace. "A bath would be absolutely divine right now. They really should figure out how to work that on a ship."

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“I sincerely agree.” Damian offered a small smile up in return. “I also don’t think my hair has ever been longer than this.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “I simply hope we land soon, I fear I’ll run out of shaving gel before the week ends.


"That'd be a sight to see." Catori said, looking over at her with a slight teasing undertone to her voice. "The great Damian Marcuse, with stubble."

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“Don’t even say it.” Damian teased lightly. “I’ll look like some street ruffian.” He shuddered at the thought. “A figment of my most terrible nightmares.”


"You say, to a 'street ruffian'." Catori shook her head, laughing softly. "Stubble might be a good look on you, you know. Add some edge to the soft wealthy look."

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Damian’s jaw dropped. “Absolutely not.” He insisted, touching his face to make sure it was still smooth.


Catori raised an eyebrow, her playful smile growing. "I don't know…if something happens…" She looked up to the sky, faking an innocent expression. "That maybe…causes you to be unable to find your shaving gel…."

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“It would be terribly unladylike for you to enter my sleeping quarters for any reason.” Damian deadpanned, his eyes narrowed.